Ethiopia News

Ethiopia, Somaliland and Puntland jointly plan for the synchronized HoA cross-border...

The second synchronized Horn of Africa cross-border polio coordination and micro planning meeting which was organized for district level health officials of Ethiopia and Somaliland and Puntland held from 16-18, July 2019 in Jigjiga city of Somali region in Ethiopia. The first synchronized cross border micro planning meeting was held in Hargeisa Somaliland from 12 to 13 June 2019 with great success where the lower level staffs were fully involved and engaged in the process of cross-border micro plan.

Public Health Emergency Operations Centres strengthened through training

In response to the more than 100 public health emergencies that occur in Africa each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners held a ‘train the trainers’ capacity-building workshop in Addis Ababa recently. The nine-day workshop was designed to create a regional team of experts at Public Health Emergency Operations Centres (PHEOC) who will help with the establishment of new PHEOC as well as strengthen the capacity of WHO Member States to coordinate, prepare for and appropriately respond to public health emergencies. 

Ethiopia sets new standards for the management of acute malnutrition

Ethiopia sets new standards for the management of acute malnutrition. The new guideline was launched on June 25th, 2019 by Dr Lia Kebede, State Minister of the Federal Ministry of Health, who noted that “nutrition is now getting the attention it deserves. We launched the first ever Food and Nutrition Policy in 2018, and today we are gathered here for another very important milestone, to launch the revised guideline for management of acute malnutrition; the guideline which is expected to benefit children and mothers greatly when properly implemented”.  The guideline replaces the 2007 protocol for management of acute malnutrition, and is based on the 2013 WHO global recommendation for the management of severe acute malnutrition. 

WHO Recognizes Ethiopia’s House of People’s Representatives for effort against tobac...

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s House of People’s Representatives for the enormous efforts they put to adopt the Food and Medicine Proclamation No. 1112/2019 in which strong tobacco legislations are incorporated. The House of People’s Representatives of Ethiopia is one of the six recipients of the No Tobacco Award for 2019

WHO Ethiopia conducts the first sub-national Health Cluster Coordination training

Bishoftu, 31 May 2019 | Ethiopia is a country under pressure, faced with a wave of humanitarian emergencies ranging from conflict and population displacements to drought, food insecurity and malnutrition; and disease outbreaks. 

“It is at times like these that we need to build and strengthen our capacity by ensuring that all our partners are equipped to coordinate the most effective response, as close to the emergency as possible” said Dr. Aggrey Bategereza, Officer in Charge, World Health Organization (WHO) Representative to Ethiopia. 

The Regional Commission for the Verification of Measles Elimination reviewed the pro...

The WHO African Regional Commission for the Verification of Measles Elimination (RVC) held its second meeting in Addis Abba, Ethiopia from 21-23 May 2019. The meeting was aimed to review country progress reports and quality of documentation of evidence from five countries. The regional Immunization Vaccine Development (IVD) program established verification mechanisms for measles elimination in the Region and at country level by establishing an African regional verification committee (RVC) and supporting countries to establish national verification committees (NVCs) at country level.

Nepal’s high level delegation from Ministry of Health and parliament paid a visit to...

The Nepal high level delegation which was led by H.E. Mr Upendra Yadav, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population of Nepal and three members of the Nepal Parliamentarian of Federalism paid a visit to Ethiopia. The Nepal delegation stayed in the country from 15 - 19 April 2019 and they visited the Ethiopian Health system to learn from Ethiopia’s experience on a federally structured health system. This experience sharing visit was aimed to overview overall administrative and political structure of Ethiopia with an emphasis of federalism focusing to the health system and to understand the processes used to design the federal structures and the impact on human resources management, oversight, accountability and financing in a decentralized system.