Ethiopia News

WHO Director General commences his official visit to Ethiopia

 Dr Tedros Adhanom, World Health Organization Director General (DG) started his official visit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 08 February 2019. The purpose of DG’s visit to Ethiopia was to see the health system in Ethiopia, to attend the 32nd African Union summit and to participate the first international Food Safety workshop to be held from 12-13, 2019.

United Nation agencies launch “UN wellness week” in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa 22 January 2019: United Nations agencies in the premises of Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)  launched today the UN Wellness Week under the theme; “Embraces your health built by you!”.  The launch was kicked off in the morning by a Zumba exercise class that saw UN staff joining in to flex their muscles before heading off to the office.

Ethiopia launched new guideline for reaching missed tuberculosis cases

The Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health, the National TB Program in collaboration with WHO and partners conducted a workshop from December 17 to 18, 2018 to launch a new guideline for reaching missed tuberculosis cases. In her opening remark, Dr Lia Tadesse, State Minister of Health, noted TB is one of the priority diseases closely supported in the Ministry of Health and the MoH continues to work very closely with partners, private sectors, civic societies, universities and other important stakeholders in order to identify missed TB cases, abort TB transmission to familiies, and public as well. Ethiopia is one of the 30 High burden countries for Tuberculosis including Drug resistant Tuberculosis. According to 2018 global TB report, 117,705 TB cases were reported in the country. The TB treatment coverage for Drug sensitive TB is 68%. And only 25% of Estimated RR MDR TB (Rifampicin Resistance and Multi Drug Resistance TB ) cases are detected and treated.

Advancing local production and supply of quality assured medicines to improve access...

An international training workshop on “Key enabling factors for successful local production and supply of quality-assured medicines” started on Monday 17th Dec. in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. WHO Head Quarter, in collaboration with USP/PQM and NEPAD, organized this three days training workshop that will take place from 17-19, December 2018 with a support by WHO Ethiopia to benefit pharmaceutical manufacturing companies based in the Africa region. 

Ethiopia commemorates the 30th World AIDS DAY

Federal HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Office (FHAPCO) in collaboration with Oromia Regional Health Bureau commemorated the national 2018 World AIDS DAY (WAD) in Ethiopia on 1st Dec 2018. Dukem town, which is one of the industrial towns of Oromia Regional State, hosted the event under the 2018 WAD theme, “Know Your Status”.

WHO Ethiopia conducts a team building workshop: “One team, one goal!”

WCO conducted a one day team building workshop on 22nd Nov, 2018 at Desalegn Hotel in Addis Ababa. The objective of this workshop was to enhance team spirit, staff motivation and morale, improve the ability to solve problem of the country office through individual contribution, and overall improves the organizational productivity towards contributing to the new ways of working in WHO.

Ethiopia marked the 3rd World Antibiotic Awareness Week  

This year’s  World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW)  commemoration event was organized by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Authority (FMHACA), Veterinary Drug and Animal Feed Administration and Control Authority (VDFACA), National Animal health Diagnostic and Investigation Center (NAHDIC), Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), WHO, FAO and USAID/ Global Health Supply Chain Programme – Procurement Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) collaboratively with “One Health approach”.

Ethiopia to vaccinate more than 1 million people against yellow fever

The Ethiopian Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners, today started a second vaccination campaign to protect high-risk populations against yellow fever. More than 1.3 million people will be protected in this seven day campaign, which follows a smaller, more focused campaign in October.