Kenya Rolls out massive Measles-Rubella and Tetanus campaign

airobi, May 16, 2016 - Kenya has rolled out a massive nation-wide Measles-Rubella campaign which targets almost half the population. The campaign which runs from May 16-24 will cover all the 47 counties and target 19,922,722 children between 9 months and 14 years. The rubella component will be offered in public health facilities for the first time but will be offered as one vaccine with measles. In addition, 11 targeted counties will offer tetanus vaccination for girls and women aged 15-49. These are counties more at risk and with low immunization coverage.

Urgent Resolve to end Cholera Outbreak in Kenya

23 May 2015, Nairobi, Kenya - Health experts, leaders and county managers have this week, called for a concerted effort to end the cholera outbreak at once and save the lives of Kenyans.

A stakeholders meeting called by the national government to evaluate and find solutions to the cholera outbreak in the country noted the disease had affected 11 counties, led to loss of life and needed quick action to arrest the outbreak.

A communique was signed at the end of the deliberations to stop cholera in the next 30 days as part of the government rapid response initiatives (RRI).

Immunization Forum promises greater collaboration between counties and national gove...

An intergovernmental immunization forum ended in Machakos, Kenya last week with a great promise for collaboration between the national health ministry and counties and with the support from partners.

The two-day meeting brought together about 200 health personnel from all 47 counties, the national office  and partners who included WHO, UNICEF, Clinton Foundation, Maternal and  Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP), Health NGO’s Network  (Hennet), Population Services Kenya, Kenya Aids NGOs Consortium, (KANCO) and others.

Kenya celebrates African Vaccination Week

Kenya celebrated African Vaccination Week with launches, radio messages, community meetings and various mother-to-child-related activities around the country. The country delayed the celebrations in order to merge it with Malezi Bora (Good Upbringing) celebrations which are set aside annually to focus on increased uptake of immunization and other health services through sustained communication, advocacy and social mobilization. The celebrations were held on May 2-14, 2016.

Kenya marks the third UN Global Road Safety Week

Kenya joined the rest of the world to mark the third UN Global Road Safety Week scheduled for 04 to 10 May 2015. This year, the theme for the Global Road Safety week focused on children and Road Safety. The national event was commemorated on 7th May 2015 at General Kago primary school in Thika, Kiambu County. The day was presided over by the Director general of National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) Mr Francis Meja.

Kenya joins the world in historical tOPV to bOPV SWITCH

Kenya joined the rest of the world in April 18, 2016, to implement SWITCH, the global health effort to shift from the use of trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV) to bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine bOPV.

The activity countrywide was marked by an aggressive effort to retrieve all tOPV vaccine from all the health facilities and placement with bOPV.