Strengthening Health Security Through Multisectoral Collaboration in Lesotho

In order to advance the implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS), the Ministry of Health, with support from the World Health Organization, (WHO) recently conducted a multi-sectoral resource mapping exercise to facilitate the identification of financial and technical resources, needs, and gaps in Leribe District.

Strengthening ICU bed capacity

With its mountainous terrain and use of donkeys and horses as primary modes of transport, Berea Hospital nurse Sello Ramakanate says the consequent high incidence of traumatic brain injuries in Lesotho is compounded by limited critical care, pushing up deaths rates.

Over 20,000 Children Vaccinated Against Measles Rubella in Lesotho

For over two centuries, vaccines have safely reduced the scourge of diseases like polio, measles, and smallpox, helping children to grow up healthy and happy. In Lesotho, more than 20,000 children aged 9-59 months got vaccinated against Measles Rubella during the Africa Vaccination Week(AVW).

World No Tobacco Day: Grow Food Not Tobacco-WHO

The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health challenges the world has ever faced, killing more than eight million people around the world every year. While the number of people using tobacco products is decreasing in other parts of the world, it is rising in the Africa Region.