WHO Lesotho calls for media advocacy after establishment of African public health em...

On Wednesday, 1st August, WHO Lesotho Country Representative, Dr. Jacob Mufunda, undertook a press briefing session with the national media to inform them about the recent establishment of the African Public Health Emergency Fund(APHEF). He encouraged wide publicity and sustained advocacy in support of the implementation of the resolution. The purpose of the APHEF is to facilitate the mobilizing, managing and disbursing of additional resources from Member States for responding to public health emergencies in a most efficient and timely manner.

World Blood Donor Day 2012

Lesotho commemorated World Blood Donor Day on 17th August in Mohale’s Hoek under this year’s global theme “Every Blood Donor is a Hero”.

Tuberculosis in the Kingdom in the Sky

Lesotho, often called the "Kingdom in the sky", has one of the highest rates of new tuberculosis (TB) cases in the world. The lack of health-care facilities in remote areas makes it hard for people with TB to get tested and treated, so the disease spreads quickly through communities.

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Lesotho Celebrates World TB Day 2011

World TB Day was celebrated on 24th March at Botsabelo Multi–Drug Resistant (MDR)/ Extensively-Drug Resistant (XDR) TB Hospital in Maseru. This is a modern state of the art facility that reflects innovative ways in management and control of MDR/XDR TB with bed occupancy of 22, laboratory, X-ray and pharmacy units. The Hospital was established in 2006 by the Government of Lesotho in collaboration with Partners.

World Mental Health Day celebration 2012

Lesotho commemorated World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2012 at Mohlomi Hospital under this year’s theme “Depression, a global crisis”.

The theme offered the opportunity to focus on how Lesotho can best work together to reduce the burden of mental illness and individual sufferings resulting from depression. The celebration included a fun walk, drama and singing by staff and patients.

Lesotho implements Reaching Every District (RED) Strategy to strengthen vaccination ...

The Ministry of Health in Lesotho, recognizing the importance of focusing at the district level for vaccination service delivery has, in partnership with WHO Lesotho, began conducting training of health facility nurses on the RED Approach strategy to strengthening vaccination coverage for the districts with the largest numbers of unvaccinated children.

The first training was conducted in Leribe from the 08th -11th October 2012. The training was facilitated by Mrs. Perpetua Kububa, a WHO consultant and Mrs. Selloane Maepe the EPI focal person in WCO Lesotho.