Malawi commemorates 2015 World Health Day and launches the measles second dose – Jul...

Lilongwe: On 31 July 2015, the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health (MOH) in collaboration with partners commemorated the 2015 World Health Day. The theme for World Health Day this year is ‘How safe is food? From farm to plate, make food safe!’ At the same occasion the measles second dose for children campaign was also launched. The Guest of Honor was the Minister of Health, Honorable Dr Jean Kalilani, MP.

Malawi: Giving the smallest babies the best chance at life

Malawi has one of the highest rates of preterm birth in the world. Nearly 1 in 5 babies are born before 37 weeks of gestation. Globally, complications of prematurity, such as difficulty in feeding, breathing and regulating body temperature, are the single largest cause of neonatal death. In order to survive, these babies need specialized care and equipment—resources most developing countries do not have.

Malawi is no exception.

Over 11,000 people received first dose of Oral Cholera Vaccine at Kasinthula in Chik...

Lilongwe: The Ministry of Health and World Health Organization in collaboration with the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) implemented the Oral Cholera Vaccine campaign in the area around Kasinthula area in Chikwawa district from 10 to 15 August 2015. A final report produced by the District Health Office on 15 August shows that 11,474 people received the first dose of the Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) in Kasinthula area representing 93% coverage.

Rabies in Malawi: A mother’s first-hand account

One morning, Emma Laudon asked her son, Joseph, why he did not want go to school that day. He told her he had a bad headache and could not drink water or eat food. Later, he began to vomit and foam at the mouth.

A visit to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi, revealed Joseph had rabies. He was exhibiting signs of hydrophobia or fear of water – an advanced symptom of the disease. Because of hydrophobia, saliva was accumulating in his mouth and he was unable to swallow.

Bringing child health services closer to rural communities in Malawi

Under the Rapid Access Expansion (RAcE) programme, launched in Malawi in 2013, the Ministry of Health has been working with WHO to train community health workers to treat common childhood diseases.

The approach, known as the integrated community case management (iCCM) of childhood illnesses, focuses on treating diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia, which together accounted for 45% of deaths among children younger than 5 years of age in the country in 2012.

WHO Malawi commemorates 2016 World TB Day: “UNITE TO END TB”

On 24 March 2016, Malawi joined the rest of the world in commemorating 2016 World TB Day whose theme is ‘Unite to End TB.’ The national launch took place on 24 March at Manica ground, in Balaka. Speaking to the audience the Honorable Minister of Health and guest of honor, Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP, acknowledged receipt of financial support from Global Fund. “We know that TB is a major public health problem but it is inexcusable that anyone should die of TB today because we know that it can be detected and cured for less than $100. The resources are now available.

Malawi implements the first District Health Systems Management training for health w...

Blantyre, Malawi - From 18 to 23 April 2016 the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the WHO implemented the first training session for the management of District Health Systems for the District Health Management Teams (DHMT) from the South West and South East health zones representing 13 districts. The training took place at the Malawi Sun Hotel, in Blantyre. The guest of honor was Mrs Chimwemwe Banda, Principal Secretary, MOH and among the distinguished guests was Dr Eugene Nyarko, WHO Representative.

WHO supporting Malawi to conduct a disaster risk prioritization and profiling

Lilongwe, 17 - 19 May 2016 - The Disaster Risk profiling workshop, which was organized by the World Health Organization started on 17 May at the Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe for participants from Ministry of Health and its partners ended on 19 May 2016. The workshop was facilitated by a team of experts from WHO Geneva and the African Region Office (AFRO). The facilitators were Mark Shapiro and Adrienne Rashford both from Preparedness Support Team, WHO, Geneva and Dr Joyce Hightower, Consultant, Preparedness, Service Delivery and Safety also from WHO Geneva.

WHO supports Malawi with cervical cancer and newborn and maternal health supplies wo...

Lilongwe: On 19 July 2016 the WHO Representative for Malawi Dr Eugene Appiah Nyarko, handed over cervical cancer and safe motherhood equipment worth over 44 million (USD62000) Malawi Kwacha to the Ministry of Health. The guest of Honor for the ceremony that took place at Ministry of Health headquarters conference room in Lilongwe was the Chief of Health Service s, Dr Charles Mwansambo. Present at the auspicious occasion were the Ministry of Health Directors, Programme Managers and the media.

Malawi launches the National Health Communication strategy

Lilongwe: On 21 July 2016 the Ministry of Health in collaboration with USAID Malawi, the World Health Organization and partners launched the national Health Communication Strategy and the Malaria Communication Strategy at the Sunbird Hotel in Lilongwe. At the colorful occasion the Guest of Honour was the Minister of Health, Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP. Among the distinguished guests were the WHO Representative, Dr Eugene Appiah Nyarko, the Chief of Health Services, Dr Charles Mwansambo and the Director for Health at USAID Mr Peter Halpert.