Mauritius News

Mauritius reaches another milestone in its fight against Covid-19 by inoculating 5 ...

“To protect myself against Covid-19,” said little Rita aged 9 years who seems to understand well why she received the first dose of the pediatric Pfizer vaccine at her school. Rita’s mother gave her written consent after receiving information about the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years from the school. At home, we have all been fully vaccinated. We did our booster dose. Now, it is time for our children also to get protected against Covid-19, she said. Mauritius launched its national vaccination campaign for children, aged 5 to 11 years, against Covid-19 on  May 23 at the Petit Verger Government School in the presence of  the Hon. Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science & Technology; Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Hon Kailesh Kumar Jagutpal; the British High Commissioner, Ms Charlotte Pierre; the WHO Representative a.i., Dr Indrajit Hazarika and other eminent personalities.  The vaccination of the children aged 5 to 11 years is a milestone in the fight against COVID-19 in Mauritius and this has been made possible with the donation of pediatric Pfizer vaccines from the British Government. This campaign concerns children attending public and private schools as well as 'Special Needs Schools'.  With parents’ consent, the children from 307 educational institutions will received two doses of the pediatric Pfizer vaccine within 4 to 8 weeks.

Dissemination of the tobacco surveys’ findings by the VISA NGO, the University of Ma...

Port Louis. The findings of two tobacco surveys conducted to explore compliance of nightclubs to the smoke-free regulations and the availability of electronic cigarettes and waterpipes in Mauritius were disseminated during a half-day workshop held in Quatre Bornes on 17 March 2022.  VISA collaborated with the University of Mauritius and the World Health Organization in this research initiative. The Honorary President of VISA, Mrs Veronique Leclezio, the President of VISA, Mr Poubarlanaden Appavoo, and Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative launched the reports in the presence of Mr Deowan Mohee, an active member of the Association, Dr Marie Chan Sun, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Mauritius and Dr Balkrish Beedassy, representing the Minister of Health and Wellness. Dr B. Beedassy in his address, recalled “smoking is a major modifiable risk factor to non-communicable diseases” and enumerated the tobacco control measures successfully implemented in the country to protect the population.

Signing of the Programme Budget 2022-2023 by Health Minister and WHO Representative

The Health Minister, Dr the Hon. Kailash Kumar Jagutpal and the WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango signed the approved Programme Budget for 2022-2023 during an official ceremony held on 16 March 2022 in the presence of the Senior Chief Executive, Directors Health Services and other administrative and technical cadre of the Ministry and the WHO country office team.  WHO is providing a total financial envelope of 100 million Mauritian rupees equivalent to USD 2.25 million to support the country for the period 2022-2023. Dr the Hon. K. K. Jagutpal, in his address, said that the signature of the documents will officialize the excellent working relationship between the WHO and the Ministry. He emphasized the financial cost of implementing projects and strategies and appreciate the sharing of the financial responsibility by the Ministry of Health and Wellness through its yearly assesses contribution and WHO biennium Programme Budget.  The Health Minister enumerated the seven priority areas which the Ministry of Health and Wellness will act upon with an approved budget of more than USD 2,2 million from the WHO Regional Office for Africa.  Actions will be geared towards improving access to quality health service; improving access to essential medicines, vaccines and diagnostics for primary health care; improving the country’s preparedness regarding the detection and response to health emergencies; building capacity to promote a healthy environment for the citizens with enhanced focus on prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases; strengthening the collection and interpretation of medical data; polio eradication; and elimination of tropical diseases. Dr the Hon. Jagutpal lauded the WHO’s support, especially in the management of the COVID-19 situation. He acknowledged WHO assistance in the procurement of vaccines through the COVAX Facility, the procurement of medical supplies and equipment, capacity building of health personnel, and the technical support provided by WHO experts to assist the country in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Launching of a new Haemodialysis Unit to mark World Kidney Day 2022

The Health Minister, Hon. Kailash Kumar Jagutpal inaugurated a new Haemodialysis Unit at the New Souillac on 10 March 2022 in the presence of the WHO Representative, Dr Laurent Musango and other personalities to mark World Kidney Day in Mauritius. This new Unit comprising 22 haemodialysis machines has the capacity to accommodate around 150 patients and aims at decentralizing further the treatment of patients suffering from kidney disease. Some 1,500 patients in Mauritius undergo dialysis treatment in the five Regional Hospitals, the New Souillac Hospital, the Long Mountain Hospital, and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Rodrigues. The Ministry of Health and Wellness also collaborates with private clinics to accommodate more patients with the increasing number of patients requiring dialysis treatment. In his address, Dr Hon. Jagutpal emphasized the importance of sensitizing the population on kidney diseases and promoting a healthy lifestyle.  The Health Minister explained that the Government disbursed some Rs 150 million to enable 250 patients to undergo dialysis treatment in private clinics.   He urged the population to take advantage of the numerous sports facilities put at their disposal across the country. Dr Laurent Musango, the WHO Representative in Mauritius highlighted, “the high NCD burden in Mauritius and the disastrous impact of uncontrolled diabetes on the kidney function.”  He added that many of the NCDs when uncontrolled can impact severely on kidney function.

Launching of the national survey report on people who use drugs by the Prime Ministe...

P. Louis. Honorable Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth launched the national population-based survey report among people who use drugs on 10 February 2022 at the Sir H. Vaghjee Hall in Port Louis. Her Excellency Mrs Christine Umutoni, UN Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles; WHO Representative, Dr Laurent Musango; Dr S. Appadoo, Coordinator, National Drug Secretariat and other personalities attended the official ceremony. The World Health Organization and the UNRC office collaborated with the national authorities in addressing the lack of evidence-based information on drug use at the national level through the recruitment of an international expert to conduct the survey as well as several Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Surveys among drug users, from December 2020 to May 2021. The Prime Minister said that the Government alone cannot fight the drug war and the magnitude of the drug problem requires all stakeholders to engage in collaborative platforms to ensure that policies and strategies are implemented based on evidence-based information.

Opening of New Covid-19 Testing Centre in Black River, Mauritius

A new COVID-19 Testing Centre is operational at Dr Yves Cantin Community Hospital in Black River since last year to enable the people living in the West part of the island to benefit from appropriate screening for COVID-19. The newly launched COVID-19  Testing Centre has a well-equipped isolation ward to accommodate positive COVID-19 patients with symptoms while waiting for the transfer to Regional Hospitals. The Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Hon K. K. Jagatpul participated in the soft opening of the Centre in the presence of the Minister of Land Transport and Light Rail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, Hon. A. Ganoo; the World Health Organization Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango and other personalities on 18 December  2021.

World AIDS Day 2021: Confronting inequalities through concerted actions between the ...

Mauritius marked World AIDS Day 2021 on 01 December 2021 at the Yves Cantin community hospital, Black River under the theme “End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemic”.  This year’s theme is of utmost importance at a point in time where the COVID-19 pandemic has further widened inequalities among the world populations.  The HIV/AIDS national campaign was launched by the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Hon Kailesh Kumar Jagutpal in the presence of the WHO Representative, Dr Laurent Musango, the National HIV/AIDS Coordinator, Dr Mungala Devi Soyjauda, Mrs S. Kalasapatan-Chellen, Ag Deputy Permanent Secretary, Dr A. Dinassing, Director Public Health and other personalities. 

Promoting mental health and well-being to reduce inequality and achieve universal he...

Mauritius marked the World Mental Health Day 2021 under the theme “Mental Health in an Unequal World” on 09 October 2021 at Mahebourg Hospital in the presence of the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Hon. Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal, the Private Parliamentary Secretary, Mrs T. Jutton, the Member of Parliament, Mr R. Doolub, the World Health Organization Representative in Mauritius, Dr L. Musango, and other personalities, including the health personnel of the Mahebourg Hospital. Dr Hon. Jagutpal, in his address, said that mental health has always been associated to stigma. He added, “93 000 patients and more than 3200 people have been admitted at the Brown Sequard Mental Hospital in 2020 in Mauritius.” The Minister of Health and Wellness emphasized the fact that children too suffer from mental health problems and 224 patients suffering from mental health problems under the age of 18 have been admitted for treatment last year.

The President of the Republic of Mauritius discussed COVID-19 Vaccination Programme ...

His Excellency Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun, the President of the Republic of Mauritius met Dr Laurent Musango, the WHO Representative in Mauritius on 17 June 2021 to discuss the COVID-19 situation and the vaccination programme in the country.    It was an opportunity for the WHO to update the President on the country’s latest Situation Report and how WHO is supporting the country to fight the pandemic.  Dr L. Musango informed the President that a total number of 1,105 local cases have been confirmed since the second wave, with a first case registered on 5 March 2021.  The country was COVID-safe for several weeks due the measures taken by the Government of Mauritius to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 said the WHO Representative.