Mauritius News

World No-Tobacco Day 2021: Stronger Tobacco Legislative Framework and extension of ...

Mauritius marks the World No-Tobacco Day this year through two important events: the opening of its nineth tobacco cessation clinic at the Dr Yves Cantin Community Hospital, in Black River and the validation of the new set of tobacco regulations. These two tobacco control measures aim at reducing the demand and the supply of tobacco to better protect the population against the dreadful effects of tobacco. Hon. Dr Kailash Kumar Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellness, the WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango and high-level officials of the Ministry of Health and Wellness attended both events. In line with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the MPOWER measures, Mauritius first started a tobacco cessation clinic in 2008 on a pilot basis. Subsequently, capacity building was conducted with the support of WHO in view of decentralizing this service at regional level. Since 2011, the tobacco cessation services have been made available in the five health regions. As at date, a total of seven smoking cessation clinics in the country and one in the Rodrigues outer island are offering free of charge both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies to smokers who want to quit. With the opening of this additional tobacco cessation clinic in the west of the island, more smokers will benefit from this service. A new set of tobacco regulations was also validated as from 24 May 2021 over three consecutive days with key stakeholders at the Head-quarters of the Ministry of Health and Wellness in Port Louis. This new piece of tobacco legislation is a milestone in the implementation of stronger tobacco control policies in Mauritius as well as strong collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Wellness and WHO. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, this exercise was conducted under strict implementation of sanitary measures and in batches of 10 stakeholders. Representatives from key Ministries including Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mauritius Revenue Authority, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WHO and the State Law Office discussed implementation issues and timeframe before validated the new set of tobacco regulations

Second Training of Trainers on Infection Prevention and Control

Port Louis.  Some 27 health care workers, involving specialists, public health superintendents, medical officers and nurses across five health regions have been trained during a three day training workshop on the World Health Organization (WHO) Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidelines, standards, early detection, triage, diagnosis, and controls and other IPC measures. The training was organized at Dr D.G. Jeetoo Hospital from 17th to 19th May 2021.  This training of trainers was jointly conducted and facilitated by WHO and officers from Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) who attended the capacity building workshop last year. The second training of trainers’ workshop was conducted in order to further strengthen the capacity of MOHW in terms of trained human capacity.  The fully capacitated Health Care Workers will eventually support the focal points in each region to conduct cascade trainings and implement and monitor respective IPC control measures in their respective field of work. This serves as a turnkey event and will aid towards a huge task of training approximately 10,000 health care workers and thus optimizing participation of doctors, nurses, community workers and support staff on infection prevention and control practices.

Mauritius launched the Maternal Child Health Handbook to improve Mother an...

Port Louis.  The Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Honorable Kailash Kumar Jagutpal launched the Maternal Child Health (MCH) handbook on 24 February 2021 at the Caudan Arts Centre, Port Louis, in the presence of Director General Health Services, Regional Health Directors, the Permanent Secretary and Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius.   This important tool will allow for systematic recording of personal health data for the mother during pregnancy and for the child since birth up to until the age of 5. The production of this handbook is one of the recommendations of the National Roadmap Framework for Maternal and Child Health launched last year by the country with two important goals.  First, to reduce morbidity and mortality among children under five years to one digit in the next 5 years and secondly, to reduce perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality rate. The MCH handbook, being a good source of information and knowledge on care during pregnancy and early childhood, will also guide healthcare professionals in dispensing the appropriate care to mothers and babies. 12000 copies of the MCH Handbook produced in close collaboration with WHO will be distributed to mothers attending the antenatal clinics across the island. 

Empowering Laboratory Professionals on Quality Management Systems during the Trainin...

Thirty-two laboratory professionals responsible in the establishment and implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) have been trained during a five-day training workshop prior to the implementation of the Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) in Mauritius. The training of trainers aimed at building capacity of diagnostics laboratories and improve quality diagnostic service in the country. The training was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness in close collaboration with the World Health Organization. The training of trainers, held virtually due to COVID-19 pandemic, was facilitated by three consultants who shared knowledge and skills on the 18 Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) using teach back methodology via the Zoom platform. The trainees were teamed up into groups to practice during the break-up sessions under the virtual guidance and instruction of the facilitators. The WHO country office provided the training logistics and hosted the virtual training via Zoom Platform.

How Mauritius is tackling NCD risk factors in the context of COVID-19?

The Republic of Mauritius is an island state in the Indian ocean with a population in 2019 of over 1.2 million . Mauritius is a highly acclaimed tourist destination with over 1.3 million tourists recorded that same year. The island records a high population density of 626 people per Km2 and the highest proportion of elderly (population aged 65+) in sub Saharan Africa, whom accounts for 12% of the population in 2019, on a continent where average is 3%.This combined with a high prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) , Mauritius was considered among the countries in the African Region the most at risk of a public health disaster due to COVID-19 . Indeed, COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the virus SARS-COV2 which affects all populations but more severely the elderly and people living with NCDs, causing increased mortality in these populations . A year into the pandemic, Mauritius is defeating pessimistic prognosis and the handling of the pandemic is lauded by the international community . The outbreak was contained on the 26 April 2020 after 39 days with no locally transmitted cases, however in November 2020 two other community cases were reported. Since 26 November 2020, only imported cases are reported in the island.

Mauritius kick started COVID-19 Vaccination Training for Health Workers

Mauritius, despite being COVID-safe, kick started its COVID-19 vaccination training for health workers as part of its national COVID-19 response. A five half-day training programme was launched by the Dr Hon Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellness on 11 January 2021 at the Ministry’s Health Club room, Port Louis, in the presence of high level officials of the Ministry, including Health Directors, Regional Public Health Superintendents and Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius.

Inauguration of the Virtual Training Laboratory and launching of training of Nurses ...

The Minister of Health and Wellness inaugurated the Virtual Training Laboratory and launched the training of Nurses on NCD Prevention and Control on 03 December 2020 in the presence of the WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango and the high- level officials of the Ministry.   The close collaboration of WHO in setting up this virtual platform for continuous capacity building of the health personnel was duly recognized by Dr Hon Kailash Kumar Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellness. “The Health Sector is evolving and dynamic.  It is a sector which is now and then confronted with new disease, new treatment protocol and best practices and we have to always keep abreast with latest development taking place,” said Dr Hon K. K. Jagutpal. The Health Minister explained how COVID-19 impacted on exchange programmes and the challenges faced by the Ministry including identification of venue and travel restrictions which made it impossible to get experts from abroad.  He further added that, “the virtual mode, though not a new concept has become importance with the ongoing pandemic. The e-platform was used for e-briefing and during e-working sessions and this new experience brought multi benefits including reduction in implementing cost.”