Namibia Gears up for its 15th National Immunization Day (NID) Campaign

Windhoek, 1 June 2011 -- With less than two weeks to go for Namibia’s National Immunization Days (NIDs) the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) with support from line Ministries and development partners are accelerating efforts to finalize preparations. Namibia will be conducting its 15th year of NIDs in June and July 2011 which aims to immunize 320,000 under five-year old children from childhood illnesses, such as blindness and polio. Namibia’s NIDs is estimated to cost N$14 million annually.

WHO receives donation from Rotary to improve immunization

Windhoek, 30 September 2011 -- The World Health Organization (WHO) received a generous donation worth over N$240,000 from Rotary Windhoek and Rotary International to improve the immunization status of children aged under 5 years against vaccine preventable diseases in particular polio. The donation consisting of loudspeakers, Information, Education, Communication (IEC) materials and T-shirts was handed over to WHO during a Rotary Luncheon for members. The items are aimed at awareness raising and public health education on vaccine preventable diseases, particularly polio.

World AIDS day 1 December 2011: Statement by Dr Magda Robalo, WHO Representative on ...

Thank you Director of Ceremonies,
Mr Kahijoro Kahuure,
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Services;
Honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Richard Nchabi Kamwi
Honourable Minister of Health of Botswana, Rev. Dr John G. N. Seakgosing
Honourable Governor of Khomas Region, Mr Samuel Nuuyoma
Her Worship the Mayor of the City of Windhoek
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Representatives of International Organizations
Development partners
Fellow UN Representatives and colleagues

Namibia takes Action against Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) on the Commemoration o...

Namibia, 24 February 2012 -- The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the occasion of Healthy Lifestyle Day, urges Namibians to take action and adopt healthier lifestyles to prevent the growing incidence of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) or Lifestyle Diseases. The prevention of NCDs is high on Namibia’s agenda.

Strengthening the Health Sector Through Improved

Partner coordination

There is an idiomatic expression that states, “Strength in numbers”. This idiom is being taken to heart in Namibia as it convened a Stakeholder Consultation meeting on 29 March 2012 with the aim of improving collaboration and coordination among health sector partners. The meeting brought together nearly 40 participants from Government, UN Agencies, United States Government Agencies (USAID and CDC), embassies, academic institutions and NGOs.

Namibia - WHO Director General Dr. Margaret Chan to make first visit to Namibia from...

Windhoek, 19 April 2011 -- WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan will touch down on 23 April 2012 for a four-day visit to Namibia. Dr Chan’s visit coincides with World Malaria Day, 25 April which will be commemorated under the theme, “Sustain Gains. Save Lives. Invest in Malaria.” The high-level mission will focus on efforts to accelerate malaria control and elimination, among other priority issues.

WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan makes first visit to Namibia

WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan touched down on 23 April 2012 for a four-day visit to Namibia. Dr Chan’s visit coincided with World Malaria Day, 25 April which was commemorated under the theme, “Sustain Gains. Save Lives. Invest in Malaria.” The high-level mission not only focused on malaria but used the opportunity to discuss issues related to maternal and child health, health systems strengthening, human resources for health, among other priority issues.

Maternity waiting homes in Namibia: Hope for the future

On 17th March 2015, all PARMaCM stakeholders, including the former First Lady of Namibia and the former Health Minister as well as Health Partners came together to view the first PARMaCM documentary on the importance of maternity waiting homes in Namibia.