Living with Hepatitis-Day in the life of a patient

Abuja, 28 July, 2022 - After being diagnosed with hepatitis B in February 2021, Mrs Titilope Dada, 30, wept heavily for weeks, thinking it was a death sentence. 

She was diagnosed with hepatitis B at a health facility during pre-employment medical screening. 
Being educated, she knew about the disease but never thought she could be infected. 

A traumatic period 

“I was shocked and scared when told my result was positive and went online to read about the disease before going back to the hospital for a confirmatory test.

Increasing COVID-19 vaccination in northeast Nigeria

Maiduguri – Hajara Maimuna Idi is sitting under a tree at the Gubio Road settlement for internally displaced people, in Borno State, northeast Nigeria. She is baffled by the reluctance of her fellow residents to get vaccinated for COVID-19, even though a vaccination centre is located within the settlement.

States adopt integrated vaccination strategy to reach unimmunized children.

Abuja, 13 July, 2022 - In line with the Government of Nigeria’s vision of integrating all Primary Health Care (PHC) services under one plan, one team, and one budget to optimize resources and efficiently deliver all services by one team, the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) is integrating COVID-19 vaccination with the Non-Polio supplementary immunization activities (NPSIAs) campaigns, Routine Immunization (RI) services and Vit A supplementation. 

Ondo bolsters vaccination coverage with targeted intervention

Ondo, 8 July, 2022 - In a bid to shore up vaccination coverage and give eligible children second chance to be fully vaccinated, WHO is working with Ondo State to implement targeted interventions with the aim of reducing missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV).

 ‘I was given this coupon after I delivered my baby in a private facility, my baby has now received vaccines preventing tuberculosis, hepatitis B and polio”, says  Mrs. Elizabeth Adeniran

 “I am a threat to tobacco”-Advocate 

Abuja, 8 July, 2022 - In 2009, Mrs. Margaret Kwaada Julius, a 47-year-old grandmother became a tobacco advocate by chance. Stumbling on the information that, “tobacco kills half its users’’ further reinforced her resolve to dedicate quality time to sensitizing people on the harmful effects of the deadly substance on health and the environment. 

Presently she says, “I am a threat to tobacco.”  

Regular  blood donation  is safe and an important public health service 

Abuja, 15 June, 2021 - A 43-year-old humanitarian worker, Mrs Khadijat Shuahib, has devoted herself to being a voluntary blood donor since 2012 and connects patients and families who need blood during emergencies to voluntary blood donors.

Mrs Shuahib recounts that she became a voluntary donor after the ordeal of obtaining blood for a scheduled surgery. 

Federal government reaffirms commitment  towards provision of safe blood

Abuja, 15 June, 2021 - Nigeria’s Minster of State for Health, Dr Olorunnibe Mamora reaffirms that the government will coordinate, regulate and ensure the provision of safe, quality blood transfusion services.

This, he said will be achieved through the implementation of the mandate of newly established National Blood Service Commision (NBSC). 

Dr Mamora made the commitment at a  Ministerial Press briefing  organized by NBSC in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) to mark, World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) in Abuja on 14 June 2022..