All-of- society approach is steppingstone for   scaling up vaccination activities 

Abuja, 26 April, 2022 - Cuddling his 14-week-old daughter, who had received the scheduled childhood vaccines, Mr Aliyu Fawaz Bello, an architect and father of four residing in Abuja, said he always ensures that his children never miss a required vaccine dose.

Mr Bello was at the government-run Family Health Municipal Clinic in Abuja to support his wife to present their daughter to receive her 3rd dose of oral polio vaccine (OPV3), the Pentavalent (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Hib) and Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV). 

WHO and stakeholders call for multisectoral approach towards climate change and othe...

Abuja, 8 April 2022 - As Nigeria joins the world to commemorate the 2022 World Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) and stakeholders call for multisectoral approach towards climate change and other environmental threats to public health in the country. This call came at the Ministerial Press conference organized by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) in collaboration with WHO held on 07 April 2022. 

 Women using firewood face increasing health risks 

Abuja, 7 April, 2021 - On a sunny afternoon in Dukpa village, a community at Gwagwalada Area Council in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), a 35- year-old housewife Mrs Asia Abdulkarim, was seated on a small stool beside the open firewood stand turning a pot of “tuwo”. (Tuwo is a local delicacy made from guinea corn or corn in the Northern part of Nigeria).

Using the edge of her wrapper to wipe her teary eyes and sweating face, Asia said she uses firewood to cook at least three times a day. 

Tuberculosis is not a death sentence -survivor’s path to recovery  

Akwa, 6 April, 2022 - When 29 years old Mr Ede John Chimobi, a native of Mgbiji in Isuuzor Local Government Area (LGA), Enugu state, tested positive for tuberculosis (TB), he was shocked as he never considered himself to be at risk. 

Mr Chimobi, who works as security personnel, had been feeling unwell - coughing at night, his chest was hurting, sweating, and not sleeping well. 

He first got some drugs from chemist shops, but it worsened. He visited the hospital after a concerned neighbour advised him to seek medical attention at the hospital. 

Amidst COVID-19 response, WHO and partners support Nigeria towards attaining a TB f...

Abuja, 31 March, 2022 - When Ms Tina Amos, a 42-year-old mother of five residing at Byazhin, Bwari Local Government Area (LGA), Abuja learnt she had tuberculosis (TB), she thought that was the end of her life, believing she had no hope for survival.  

Three months after the diagnosis, Mrs Amos was all smiles as she walked into the doctors' consultation room at the Primary Health Care centre (PHC) in her neighborhood, where she has been receiving medication, thanks to the effort of the government, WHO and other partners.

Closing access gaps, rural populace solicit for more functional primary healthcare c...

Abuja, 31 March, 2022 - Early in the morning on 24 September 2013, Rukayat Yunsa went into labour and was rushed to the Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC), located close to her home at Kuchingoro community, Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), Abuja.

Rukayat, who is currently seven-months into her third pregnancy, said she was not perturbed about the health facility where she would give birth to her baby because the PHC in her area is functional and works 24 hours. 

Nigeria bolsters laboratory  capacity for antimicrobial resistance towards  Univers...

Abuja, 28 March, 2022 - Imagine a world where medical treatment of routine ailments or operations become life-threatening and stop responding to drugs. The seemly far-fetched scenario is becoming real and a danger to medical interventions with the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).  

In the case of Yomi Ade (not real name), a 21- years old who lives in Ile -Ife, Osun State, had to spend 87 days in the hospital after being diagnosed with blood sepsis because his aliment was not responding to any of the medication administered.