Diet and exercises are pivotal in preventing cardiovascular diseases

Abuja, October 02, 2020 - “The daily exercise routine I adopted has helped me a long way, my body feels way better, and my blood pressure hardly rises.”
“Stopping alcohol consumption and reducing the amount of tobacco I consume has also made me healthier, I have lost so much weight and my lab tests are showing progress in my health” stated Nasir Ali, a domestic worker residing in FCT, Abuja. 

WHO Maintains Grade 3 Health Emergency in north-east Nigeria

Maiduguri, 30 October, 2020 - The 9th Joint Operations Review of WHO health emergency operations in the north-east Nigeria has resolved to maintain the grading of the humanitarian health emergency declared in 2016. WHO graded the emergency at grade 3 owing to its severity and impact on public health which significantly reduces access to basic health services and renders the population vulnerable to disease outbreaks, malnutrition, injuries and mental health. 

Health Experts Conduct 9th Review of WHO Emergency Response in the North-east Nigeri...

Maiduguri, 30 October, 2020 - Since declaration of an internal grade 3 level emergency in the north-east Nigeria in 2016, WHO has been leading partners in the humanitarian health sector response to provide complementary lifesaving interventions to the affected populations in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. Every year, the response programme is reviewed to ensure its continued relevance and to sharpen strategies. 

Shoring up COVID-19 prevention in Nigeria’s border states

Lagos, 27 October, 2020 - Border security officers in Nigeria already contend with a raft of challenges in deterring illegal traffic and ensuring safety. In Ogun state in the country’s south-west where the country’s first COVID-19 case was detected, they are now also helping to curb the importation of COVID-19.

Ogun state borders Benin and has about five official border crossings. It is a priority region in the battle against the virus of which there have been over 58 000 cases nationwide since February.

Nigerian states keep pressure on vaccine-derived polio

Abuja, 23 October, 2020 - On 25 August 2020, health workers and survivors in Nigeria celebrated the end of wild poliovirus in the country. They joined the entire Africa region in a joyous online event in August to mark the continent’s wild polio-free status, a historic moment in the global fight against the disease. 

COVID-19 pandemic heightens the importance of handwashing with soap 

Abuja, 23 October, 2020 - With people advised to observe physical distancing and good hygiene habits amidst the pandemic, health experts have constantly reminded that the simple practice of handwashing with soap and clean water is also one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.

Bauchi rural women accept child spacing with WHO support

Bauchi, October 19, 2020- “Even though I knew my body needed rest from childbirth, I didn’t have any information on how to space my children and stop childbirth when I really wanted to. After my seventeenth delivery the new Community Health Workers posted to our primary healthcare center helped me to make an informed decision about my body. Now that I have the right type of contraception, my body is able to rest. I am very happy about this” Stated Lami Danladi a 37-year-old woman living with her family in Tasha-Laya Village of Toro Local Government Area in Bauchi State.

Improving access to quality maternal health services at primary level of care in Cro...

Cross River, October 19, 2020- “I used to deliver all my children at home or with the traditional birth attendant. After learning that our Primary Healthcare Center (PHC) had new health workers and now have scan services, I had to come and see for myself. After I did the first scan and showed my husband the result, we both agreed that we will continue my Ant-natal Care (ANC) at the PHC facility.