The Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria in collaboration with WHO launches “Stop Diab...

The Federal Ministry of Health of Nigeria in collaboration with the WHO Nigeria country Office and the Senator Lee Maeba Foundation joined the rest of the world to mark the World Diabetes Day on 14th November 2013.

This year’s World Diabetes Day marks the fifth and final year of the 2009-2013 campaign on the theme: “Diabetes education and prevention” with the campaign slogan: Diabetes: Protect our future.

Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS II) Review “At a Glance”

The WHO Nigeria organized a one-day stakeholders’ meeting on 30th January 2013 as part of the process to review WHO Country Cooperation Strategy CCSII (2008-2013) and development the 3rd generation of CCS (2014-2019). There was high level and wide participation of Stakeholders including key officials from the Federal Ministry of Health and its Agencies, Commissioners of health or their representatives from the 36 states and federal Capital Territory (FCT), development partners, the UN country team, civil society and the media. There were total of 119 participants.

Nigeria Launches the Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis Co-implementation Guidelines

The Federal Ministry of Health in the presence of WHO Country representative and other key partners, launched today (18th February, 2014) the Malaria and Lymphatic filariasis co-implementation guideline. 

The document provides a broad guideline for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the co-implementation of Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis programmes at the National, state and local government levels. The guideline seeks to harmonize key vector control strategies for both programmes to produce synergistic effect in a cost effective manner. 

Nigeria surmounting odds to intensify poliovirus surveillance amidst insecurity in B...

Borno State of Nigeria has been facing security challenges because of stiff insurgency, resulting into loss of lives and property, crippling economic, social as well as commercial activities. The health sector is not spared and it is on record that some health workers made the ultimate sacrifice during one of the insurgents’ attacks.  The negative fallout necessitated the postponement of the March 2013 Polio Immunization plus Days (IPDs) round by the State government.

Nigeria synchronizes polio immunization with Niger Republic during March 2014 round

Abuja, Nigeria 6th March, 2014 -- The synchronization of immunization activity which lasted from 1st to 4th March 2014 along border settlements between Nigeria and Republic of Niger has been concluded. The activity is widely adjudged as very successful. For instance, between Sokoto State in Nigeria and Tahoua Province in Republic of Niger, 15,137 under-five children were vaccinated on Nigeria side and 16,320 on the Republic of Niger side.

Presidential Summit on Universal Health Coverage Opens in Abuja

A 2-day pre-summit technical workshop for the preparation of the Presidential Summit on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) with the theme, ‘Universal Health Coverage, The Vehicle for sustainable Growth and Development’ has opened in Abuja.

Declaring the Workshop opened, the Honorable Minister of Health, Professor C.O Onyebuchi Chukwu, noted that the theme of the workshop captures government’s belief in the centrality of a healthy population to the transformation agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Integrated Community Case Management

Malaria, Pneumonia and Diarrhea are still responsible for more than 50 percent of death among children under 5 years old in Nigeria. It is on record that majority of these children, particularly those living in hard to reach areas, die at home.

Presidential summit on Universal Health coverage ends in Nigeria

His Excellency President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has declared at the opening of the Presidential Summit on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Abuja on Monday, 10th March, 2014 that for the Universal Health Coverage to be a reality in Nigeria, health Insurance must be a compulsory policy.

Nigeria joins the world to commemorate world oral health day

The President of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the National champion for Oral Senator David Mark has re-echoed the centrality and essence of having healthy mouths at the dual occasion of the  culmination of the 2014 World Oral Health Day and National Oral Health Conference, with the theme ‘Celebrating Healthy Smiles’ in Abuja.

National malaria elimination programme reviews progress in Nigeria

The Honourable Minister of Health, Prof C.O.Onyebuchi Chukwu, has through the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), hosted a 4-day Annual Review Meeting (ARM) of Malaria Programme managers from 17th – 20th March, with the theme; Sustaining the Push towards Malaria Elimination in Nigeria.