DOPV Strategy: Closing the Immunity Gaps among Chronically Missed Children.

Abuja, 26th Septembers, 2014 - The drum-beats and the sounds from the algaitas (trumpets) reverberate in the communities to herald the arrival of the vaccination teams, trigger the extraordinary flow of children out to the streets, mothers/ caregivers peeping through the doors and over the low fences of the compounds to have a glimpse of the Directly Observed Polio Vaccination (DOPV); essentially the administration of OPV to eligible children and distribution of appropriate attractive pluses like milk sachets, soap, candies and whistles, under the watchful eyes of senior supervisors.

Knocking Off remaining Polio "Sanctuaries": Active Transmission Zone Concludes Synch...

Abuja, 17 October, 2014 - The January 2012, Global Polio Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) report delineated four distinct polio virus “sanctuaries” in Nigeria, ‘places in which polioviruses had taken safe refuge’. The sanctuaries in the northern states were Borno (Borno- Yobe), Kano (Kano-Kaduna-Katsina) and Sokoto and Zamfara; homes to two-thirds of the polio cases detected in that year. 

WHO Declares Nigeria Ebola-Free

Abuja 20 October, 2014 - The World Health Organization, today, 20th October, 2014 officially declared Nigeria Ebola-Free, having passed the mandatory period with no new cases;  42 days after  the  last confirmed case of the virus was discharged from the hospital, giving sufficient confidence to declare the outbreak over.

Polio Legacy: WHO Partners Youth Groups to Dismantle Security Barriers in Accessing ...

Abuja, Nigeria, 12 November 2014 - Since the World Health Assembly at its sixty-fifth session of May 2012 declared Polio Eradication as a Public Health emergency of global significance, Nigeria continues to respond with equal degree of urgency to stop transmission by end 2014 through churning out streams of innovations / approaches to reach persistently missed children. The national polio eradication initiative oversight bodies in Nigeria have for some time requested for systematic engagement of the youth in the polio programme.

WHO bags Award at the Launching of National TB Prevalence Survey Report and 2015 -20...

Abuja, Nigeria, 18 November, 2014 - The Federal Government has conferred an Award on WHO for its meritorious service, outstanding technical assistance and unflinching efforts in resource mobilization for tuberculosis (TB) management in Nigeria at the launching of the National TB Prevalence Survey Report and the National Strategic Plan for TB control 2015-2020, in Abuja on 18th November 2014. The Award was presented by the Honorable Minister of State for Health, Dr. Khaliru Alhassan.

Polio Sero-Prevalence Surveys-Confirming Population Immunity as crippling disease di...

Abuja, Nigeria 20 November 2014 - By the end of October 2014 Nigeria had recorded tremendous progress with 87% reduction in wild polio virus (WPV1) burden and 78% reduction in geographic spread of the virus. Indigenous transmission of WPV3 has not been reported in the country  for 23 months. Also, the genetic clusters circulating in Nigeria have declined from 8 in 2013 to only 1 in 2014 representing 88% reduction.

Nigeria Pushes Agenda for Empowering Human Resource for Health

Abuja, Nigeria 26 November 2014- The Federal Ministry of Health  (FMOH) on Tuesday, 25th November 2014 inaugurated the WHO-Canada/DFATD Project Steering Committee (PSC) in Abuja to provide general oversight  and  articulate the implementation of the  15m CND$ Canadian Government-supported Human Resource for Health (HRH) Project.

Federal Ministry of Health pushes Human Resource for Health policy and planning to g...

Abuja, Nigeria, 19 December, 2014 - The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has organized the National Human Resource for Health Stakeholders meeting on the December 15, 2014 at the Chelsea Hotel, Abuja, with  support from the World Health organization.

The meeting which was predicated on building consensus to fast-track the implementation of strategies for the electronic web-based National health workforce Registry (NHWR), agree on way forward with the review of the Human Resource for Health policy, strategic plan and the effect of health worker migration in Nigeria.