Thousands of Rwandans get lifesaving health interventions through the Health week

The Ministry of Health in collaboration with partners including WHO has finalized a fruitful health week with thousands turning up for different health interventions countrywide. The health week was held between 13th-18th March 2017, and it delivered an integrated package of preventive services known to be highly cost-effective for improving maternal and child health, malaria, HIV, Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and malnutrition control interventions. The health week was covered by different media countrywide, print, audio visual, online and community outreach.

How can we overcome Malaria threat and make a Rwanda free of Malaria ?

25 April 2017, Rwanda joined the world to commemorate World Malaria Day. It is now time to highlight the need to sustain country efforts and commitment to control and eliminate this life- threatening disease. This year the world malaria day theme is:” Closing the preventive gap for Malaria.” It is thus very imperative to reflect on the achievements made so far, the challenges encountered and the way forward to end Malaria by 2030 in African Region and Rwanda in particular as recommended by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).