Seychelles News

WHO facilitates Seychelles to move person-centered care forward

Victoria, Seychelles, 6th July 2017 - Recently, the Seychelles has been spearheading its efforts to put in place coherent interventions aimed at improving the quality of person centred care. This concept is very well in accordance with WHO’s Health Systems Strengthening focus on improving quality of care where there is a coordination across a continuum of care, where all people have equal access to quality health services that meets their individual needs and all carers operate in a supportive environment.

WHO hands over Blood Donation Van at World Blood Donor Day Ceremony

The theme for this year’s World Blood Donation Day was “Safe blood for saving mothers”, placing emphasis on increasing awareness about the importance of timely access to safe blood and blood products to prevent maternal deaths. For this occasion, the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the WHO Country office organised a ceremony and reception to thank all blood donors in the country. The highlight of the ceremony was the handing over of a blood donation van by WHO Liaison Officer Dr. Cornelia Atsyor, to the Chief Executive Officer of the Health Care Agency, Dr Suresh Menon.

Social Determinants of NCD and other public health issues in Seychelles WHO

In response to the call in the Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health (2011) and the Strategy for addressing the key determinants of Health in the African Region (2010) for Member States to produce evidence-based research on health inequalities, the Government of Seychelles with financial assistance from the World Health commissioned the study to identify social and economic factors which disadvantage certain population groups from realizing their potential life years.

Seychelles embarks on Neglected Tropical Diseases mapping survey

Victoria, Seychelles, 15th April 2015 - The Seychelles has embarked on a national mapping survey for Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) or otherwise known as intestinal worm infections. Funded by the World Health Organisation (WHO), this initiative is part of the global 2020 Neglected Tropical Disease Goals aimed at accelerating work in all countries to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).

UNESCO’s ‘Young People Today: Time to Act Now’ Initiative supports HIV/AIDS interven...

Victoria, Seychelles, 15th April 2015 - Seychelles has a concentrated epidemic of HIV. This means that though the prevalence is less than 1% in the general population, some special population have high incidence rates.

So much is therefore being done to try to prevent and even reduce the cases of HIV and AIDS amongst the whole population as well as targeting high risk groups such as men who have sex with men, sex workers, intravenous drug users, migrant workers and adolescents.

Seychelles celebrates 5th African Vaccination week

Under the theme ‘Vaccination: A gift for life’, Seychelles joined the rest of the African region to celebrate African Vac-cination Week from the 24th to 30th April 2015. This year’s commemoration in the Seychelles focused more on raising awareness and reinforcing immunisation health messages to various target groups, with the objective of further strengthening immunization programmes and coverage in the country.

Accreditation of the Seychelles Hospital as Baby-Friendly

The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative, aims to ensure that maternity facilities become centres to protect, promote & support breastfeeding. The initiative has measurable and proven impact, increasing the likelihood of babies being exclusively breastfed for the first six months.