Seychelles News

Seychelles and WHO sign new Biennial workplan

Victoria, Seychelles, 20 January 2016 -- The Minister of Health (MOH) signed the biennial plan of work for the period 2016 – 2017 at a media event held on Friday 16th January 2017. The plan was formally approved by Minister Mitcy Larue in the presence of senior Ministry of Health officials and the media, following the endorsement of the plan by the Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti. The signed plan was handed over by the Minister of Health on behalf of the Government of Seychelles to the World Health Organization acting WHO Liaison Officer for Seychelles Dr.

Seychelles commemorates World Health day 2016

Seychelles joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Health Day under the theme “Beat Diabetes” in a series of activities throughout the week. The activities were organised by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation and other key partners including various other ministries and agencies.

Seychelles has “SWITCHED”- From tOPV to bOPV

Victoria, Seychelles, 17 April 2016 - will remain an important date in the history of immunisation in Seychelles. This is because April 17th was Seychelles national ‘Switch’ date, where the country ceased the use of all trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV) and started using bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV). Following Rwanda, Seychelles became the second country in Africa to ‘switch’.

Immunization financing in Seychelles

Victoria, Seychelles, 29th April 2016 - Equitable and sustainable health financing is a key component of any health system and disease-specific preventive programmes. In the Seychelles, primary health care is free at the point of use for all citizens. To efficiently deliver this service, health care is financed almost entirely through general taxation and social security contributions. The Ministry of Health (MoH) receives one of highest budgetary allocations every year. In 2014 for example MoH received Rs535,400,00.

Towards a Polio Free World: Seychelles introduces Inactivated Polio Vaccine

Victoria, Seychelles, 29th April 2016 - Following its commitment to implement the Global Polio Eradication Strategy, on the 1st of September 2015 Seychelles  joined the global effort to introduce the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) into its routine immunization schedule. The vaccine is being administered to all children at the age of four months along with their second dose of DPT-HepB-Hib and oral polio vaccine (OPV2).

Seychelles on track to introduce Rotavirus vaccine later in the year

Rotavirus causes severe diarrhea and is often fatal in children before the age of five years.  It is a public health concern in developing countries, and the Seychelles is not an exception. The first infection is usually most severe with subsequent infections being milder. An effective vaccine administered to  infants could therefore save many lives.  However before introducing the vaccine, the knowledge of disease burden and of circulating genotypes is essential and can only be done through a network of effective supervision.

HPV vaccine introduced into Seychelles routine immunization schedule

Seychelles has joined many other countries in the world in strengthening its efforts to prevent cervical cancer and other Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)-related diseases amongst its population. This is being done in an effort to reduce girls’ risk of developing HPV related cancers by as much as 80%. Since May 2014, the Ministry of Health has introduced the HPV vaccine into its routine immunization schedule.

UN Secretary General Mr Ban Ki-moon on official visit in Seychelles

Victoria, Seychelles 19 May 2016 - The Seychelles islands have welcomed Mr Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General on a two day historical visit in the country from the 7th to the 8th of May 2016. Mr. Ban Ki-moon’s visit to the small island state follows the invitation of the President of the Republic of Seychelles Mr James Michel, who was at the Seychelles International Airport to meet the UN Secretary on his arrival Saturday. Mr Ban is the first sitting UN secretary general to visit Seychelles since the country joined the Organisation in September 1976.

WHO supports the conduct of two days symposium on Person-Centred Care

Seychelles has placed the improvement in the quality of services its population receives as one of the key policy thrusts that will consolidate the achievements of Universal Health Coverage that it has so far attained. To this end, an increased focus on person centred care is one of the strategic thrusts the country is pursuing to facilitate achievement of this goal. Person centred care calls for a complete rethink of the way health and related services are designed, provided and monitored.