South Sudan News

WHO donates Information Communication and Technology equipment to improve the availa...

Juba, 15 August 2019 – With funding from Gavi, the Vaccine alliance, WHO donated Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) equipment this week (Wednesday, 14 August) to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of South Sudan.

The ICT equipment will support the expanded programme on immunization (EPI) data management and the roll-out of District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS 2) both at national and state levels including Abyei Administrative area of South Sudan.

South Sudan conducts a full scale simulation exercise

Juba, 15 August 2019 – The Ministry of Health of South Sudan, with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States’ Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), UNICEF, International Medical Corps (IMC) Consortium (Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA), Concern and GOAL International) and other partners, conducted a one day full scale simulation exercise (SIMEX) on 14 August 2019 in Juba, Nimule and Yei.

Aiming for zero cholera in South Sudan

Juba, South Sudan, 04 August 2019 – Over 120 health workers in South Sudan have been trained this past week with the aim to keep the country at zero cholera. The country is amid the rainy season, commonly known as cholera season due to frequent flooding contaminating drinking water and infecting people with the cholera bacteria.

WHO and Ministry of Health train more healthcare workers on management of Severe Acu...

Juba, 21 June 2019: To further strengthen the capacity of healthcare workers to manage cases of Severe Acute Malnutrition with Medical Complication (SAM /MC) in nutrition stablization centres, the Ministry of Health, Republic of South Sudan, with support from World Health Organization and other partners conducted a Master Training of Trainer on SAM/MC from 10 -15 June 2019 in Juba. 

Choose health not tobacco: South Sudan marks the World No Tobacco Day

1 June 2019, Juba – ‘I got hooked on cigarettes at the age of 16 and smoked for 30 years. During these years, I tried intermittently to stop without much success due to the very addictive nature of nicotine. In August, 2016, my 11-year-old daughter approached me and said “Daddy, I want you to attend my graduation ceremonies, wedding and many more celebrations. It will not happen if you do not stop smoking!”  The harsh reality of this statement was all the motivation I needed to stop this horrible habit.

The US Ambassador to South Sudan and Hon Minister of Health visit Ebola Vaccination ...

Juba, 8 May 2019 – Alice Baku (not real name) a clinician at the Juba teaching hospital said “I am glad I was vaccinated against Ebola Virus disease because prevention is better than cure”

South Sudan started vaccination of frontline and health care workers against Ebola on 28th January 2019 as one of the preparedness measures to stop Ebola from spreading into the country.