South Sudan News

WHO Representative, Dr Olu, Olushayo Oluseun, presents his letter of credentials to ...

Juba, 5 October 2018 –Dr Olu, Olushayo Oluseun, the newly appointed World Health Organization (WHO) Representative for South Sudan who presented his letter of credentials yesterday, 4 October 2018 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Presenting his credentials, Dr Olu says, “with Ebola virus disease on our doorstep, I would like to join the Minister of Health in leading a multisectoral approach to ensure that the country is well prepared”.

With WHO’s support, South Sudan strengthens HIV treatment cascade to improve interve...

Juba 14 September 2018 – WHO in partnership with the Ministry of Health are strengthening capacity to improve HIV programme interventions to achieve the national 90-90-90 targets in South Sudan.

Over the last decades, South Sudan has continued to face humanitarian crises of varying nature and intensity weakening the health systems and thus hindering progressive coverage of health services including HIV. 

WHO steps up efforts to accelerates the elimination of human African trypanosomiasis...

Human African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, threatens millions of people in many countries across sub-Saharan Africa. 

South Sudan is one of the countries most affected by sleeping sickness. In 2018, a total of 5 469 people were screened (5 330 actively and 139 passively) for sleeping sickness of which 13 patients were treated. 

In an effort towards the elimination of the human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), WHO trained health experts on the use of different diagnostic tools and case management. 

South Sudan revises its 2007 Essential Medicines List to improve standards and acces...

Juba 27 August 2018 – The Ministry of Health of South Sudan in collaboration with the Health Sector Partners (HSP) and with technical leadership and support from the World Health Organization has validated its 2007 Essential Medicines List.  

This is part of the efforts to improve access to, availability and proper use of essential medicines within the health care system in public and private facilities. 

South Sudan strengthens preparedness and response for Ebola and other deadly disease...

Juba 26 July, 2018 – In an effort to implement the recommendations of the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) for International Health Regulations (2005) conducted in 2017, the Ministry of Health with support from the World Health Organization and other partners developed a roadmap to improve its capacity to prevent, detect, confirm, and rapidly respond to public health risks and emergencies.