South Sudan News

South Sudan convenes a high-level advocacy partner meeting to define strategic fundi...

Juba 20 July, 2018 – With support from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health convened a one day high-level advocacy meeting to define strategic funding priorities for health sector.

During the meeting key donors and other international and national health partners including UN agencies discussed on key programmatic and funding priorities including aligning investments, coordinating operations, identifying synergies and capitalize on potential efficiencies from joint operations.

WHO secured over 562 000 doses of oral cholera vaccine for pre-emptive campaigns in ...

Juba, 19 July 2018 – To mitigate the risk of cholera outbreaks in cholera transmission hotspots in South Sudan, the World Health Organization (WHO) secured over 562 000 doses of  oral cholera vaccine in 2018  to conduct pre-emptive campaigns.

The  466 460  doses of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) received from the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) in 2018 are  for a 2-dose mass vaccination campaign in Torit, Yirol East, Yirol West and Panyijiar. 

WHO strengthened the National Public Health Laboratory to safely manage infectious s...

Juba 6 July, 2018 – South Sudan is prone to emerging and re-emerging disease outbreaks which necessitate prompt and safe management of laboratory specimens to ensure accurate and timely confirmation of the causative agent such as Ebola Virus to guide the response. 

However, the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of IHR (2005) core capacities for South Sudan conducted in 2017, revealed that capacity for biosafety and biosecurity needed strengthening and the gaps identified addressed.

Management of severe acute malnutrition mainstreamed into health workers’ pre-servic...

Juba 2 July, 2018 – In South Sudan, it is estimated that 7.1 million people are food insecure; and it is expected that more than one million under five years to be suffering from acute malnutrition in 2018. 

According to the UNICEF/WHO Countdown Report 2017, among children aged 6 – 59 months, 31% are stunted, and 28% are wasted. Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rates vary seasonally and substantially across states; with peaks of up to 30 % in some locations. 

South Sudan commits to move towards attainment of Universal Health Coverage

Juba 21 June, 2018 – South Sudan is making headway towards attainment of Universal Health Coverage and addressing the inequity amid instability in some parts of the country. This was echoed during the high-level advocacy meeting with women parliamentarians one of the events to mark the World Health Day under the theme ‘Universal Health Coverage: everyone everywhere’.

WHO supports the Ministry of Health to enhance emergency preparedness and risk manag...

The Ministry of Health of South Sudan with support from WHO conducted a five days planning workshop as a precursor for a detailed Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Mapping (VRAM) exercise. In 2017, South Sudan held a Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of IHR core capacities (2005) which indicated limited capacities for preparedness and response to Public Health hazards. South Sudan is among the countries in the region that are prone to disasters or emergencies that can have a significant impact on the population and the health systems.  Infectious diseases continue to pose a major public health threat in South Sudan. Adding to the chronic disease burden, regular outbreaks further threaten people's health.

Capacity for resource mobilization and partner management strengthened at the WHO co...

As the World Health Organization Country Office in South Sudan works to proactively engage, reach out and build sustainable partnership for resource mobilization, the WHO Headquarter and Regional office external relation units supported the country office to conduct a two-day training for all technical officers and program managers from 12-13 June, 2018. This is in line with the WHO AFRO transformation agenda, effective communications and partnerships area of focus.

World Blood Donor Day: South Sudan registers more voluntary unpaid blood donors

‘I have witnessed it myself that most of our mothers die due to losing a lot of blood after delivery and about 80 percent die because of lack of blood for transfusion. So, I felt that I should act as an example to donate blood to save the lives of our mothers’ said Judith a midwife working at Juba Teaching Hospital after donating blood. She appealed to other health workers to volunteer and donate blood to save more lives.