United Republic of Tanzania News

Training journalists on road safety reporting

29 May 2018, Dar es Salaam: The 2015 World Health Organization’s Global Status Report on Road Safety reveals that around 1.2 million are killed and 50 million are injured in road crashes.Most deaths occur in LMICs (Low income and middle-income countries) like the Tanzania. 

Be smart, Know about Sickle Cell Disease!

23 June 2018, Dar es Salaam: The Acting World Health Representative for Tanzania, Dr Adiele Onyeze joined the Minister for Health, Honourable Ummy Mwalimu, partners and the public to commemorate World Sickle Cell Day in Tanzania. The event was graced by a 3km charity walk in Mwenye Yanga Temeke Grounds under the theme “Kuwa Mjanja ijue Siko Seli” meaning “Be smart, Know Sickle Cell”.

WHO strengthens sentinel surveillance for vaccine preventable diseases

18-20 June 2018, Dodoma: A sentinel surveillance system is used when high-quality data are needed about a particular disease that cannot be obtained through a passive system.Data collected in a well-designed sentinel system can be used to signal trends, identify outbreaks and monitor the burden of disease in a community, providing a rapid, economical alternative to other surveillance methods. 

Tanzania launches training for national rapid response teams with focus on Ebola

 25-28 June 2018, Morogoro: As part of ongoing efforts to prepare countries in the African Region to respond effectively to disease outbreaks and humanitarian disasters, the World Health Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and President’s Office President's Office Regional and Local Government authorities (PORALG) organized a training of national rapid response teams on Ebola virus disease (EVD) to ensure that the country has the people with the skills and expertise to prevent and respond to EVD.

Zanzibar commemorates World Health Day 2018

Zanzibar, 8 April 2018: The 70th anniversary of World Health Day, 7th April 2018 was colorfully commemorated in Kijini Village, about 60 kilometres from Zanzibar town, in the presence of Honorable Hamad Rashid Mohamed, Minister of Health, Principal and Deputy Principal Secretaries of the MOH, District Commissioner for North A, Directors, village administrators and the community.

Delivering results through the lens of Theory of Change

Dar es Salaam, 9-13 April 2018: Theory of Change is an ongoing process of reflection to explore why change is needed and how it happens. It is a broad vision of what results would be achieved and how they will be achieved. ToC aligns well with the on-going organizational transformation in WHO –which focuses on delivery of results with clearer links to better health outcomes. WHO Transformation effort aims to change the way we work together globally so that WHO is better aligned to serve people and communities around the world.