United Republic of Tanzania News

Strengthening rational use of Medicines in Tanzania

Rational use of medicines requires that “patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and their community".

Monitoring the efficacy of antimalarial medicines in Tanzania

Tanga, 17-22 November 2017: The advent of Artemisinin Based Combination Therapies (ACTs) since 2001 as first-line treatment for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria has had a major impact in the steady reduction of the disease in endemic countries where it has been adopted alongside other interventions such as the use of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs), Indoor Residual Spray

World Antibiotics Awareness Week in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 13-19 November 2017 - This year, the United Republic of Tanzania joined the world to commemorate World Antibiotics Awareness Week (WAAW) aimed to raise awareness of the urgent need to act on antibiotic resistance and the steps to be taken. The theme is “Seek advice from a qualified health professional before taking antibiotics”.

Raising taxes on tobacco: good for health, good for economies

Arusha, 23-26 October 2017: Tobacco use is one of the leading preventable causes of death, killing more than 7 million people every year. More than its enormous toll of disease, suffering, and death, tobacco use also burdens the global economy with an estimated US$ 1.4 trillion in healthcare costs and lost productivity each year.

Prevent Road crashes -- Obey the Law – Save lives!

Kilimanjaro, 16 - 23 October 2017: This year, the United Republic of Tanzania commemorated the Road Safety Week (RSW) with a focus on adherence to road traffic rules and what can be done to prevent road traffic deaths and injuries in the country.


Bringing the human and animal health sectors closer: The National Bridging Workshop

Dar es Salaam, 16 - 18 October 2017: Human health and animal health have been intertwined since time immemorial. Despite the link and the knowledge that especially a sick animal have a negative impact on human health, over the years, the two sectors have been working separately. It is known that the over sixty percent of emerging, re-emerging, and endemic human diseases have their origins in animals.