Dr Steven Velabo Shongwe, WHO Representative in Sierra Leone delivering a statement at the event marking the arrival of teh first COVID-19 COVAX vaccine in Sierra Leone

Statement of Dr Steven Velabo Shongwe, WHO Representative on first COVID-19 COVAX vaccine in Sierra Leone

Gambia conducts vaccination pre-training for Senior Health Workers

The WHO providing the much-needed training on preventing COVID-19, to 25 coordinators of the network who operate at the sub-county level.

HIV/AIDS Network Offers opportunity to Advance COVID-19 Community Work in Kanungu, Southwestern Uganda

Representatvies of WHO, Dr. Desta Tiruneh and Uniccef, Mr. Lewis Jonathan and staff

The Arrival of COVAX vaccines Raises Hope in The Gambia

Dr Austin Hinga Demby, Minister of Health and Sanitation delivering the keynote statement at the event to mark arrival of the first batch of COVID-19 vaccine in Sierra Leone under the COVAX Facility

COVID-19 vaccines shipped by COVAX arrive in Sierra Leone

Infodemics and the quest for verified information on COVID-19

  A UNICEF and WHO official receiving the initial batch of COVID-19 vaccines at Entebbe International Airport in Uganda A UNICEF and WHO official receiving the initial batch of COVID-19 vaccines at Entebbe International Airport in Uganda

Uganda receives 864,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines

President Uhuru Kenyatta flags off the COVAX consignment o the regions from the  Central Vaccine stores this week

Kenya receives COVID-19 vaccines and launches landmark national campaign