Some of the beneficiaries of the campaign

Sierra Leone tackling malaria amidst COVID-19 outbreak response

Community leaders help drive COVID-19 testing in Nigeria’s Kano

Community leaders help drive COVID-19 testing in Nigeria’s Kano

Training of Rapid Response teams - Funds from EU-ECHO will build capacity of health workers and other COVID-19 Emergency response teams

The EU and WHO working Together to Defeat COVID-19 in Kenya

UN staff participating in Kalerwe Market to commemorate an UN day 2018

United Nations Wellness Program helping UN staff and their families cope with the effects of global COVID-19 pandemic

Delegates from the Ministry of Health

The Ninth WHO Global Forum for Government Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers

Kuisebmund Community Testing Centre in Walvisbay, Namibia

Walvis Bay COVID-19 Strategy: Test, Isolate and Treat

Building on Ebola response to tackle COVID-19 in DRC

Building on Ebola response to tackle COVID-19 in DRC

Volunteering in Nigeria’s COVID-19 battle

Volunteering in Nigeria’s COVID-19 battle

When and how to use masks (WHO)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: When and how to use masks