WHO continues to build capacity of nurses for baby friendly hospitals in the context of COVID-19

WHO continues to build capacity of nurses for baby friendly hospitals in the context of COVID-19

Internal appraisal of the Child Health Immunization Programme with technical support of WHO

Tracking progress to improve immunization and essential health services for children during COVID-19

MCH Week, HPV Vaccine administration

The integrated Mother and Child Health Week during COVID-19 Pandemic in Rwanda

Making school environment healthy and conducive for learning in Sierra Leone

   Participants from Botswana, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and the WHO Representative in Uganda Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam

WHO Trains Health workers from Nine African Countries on Improvement of Congenital Birth Defects Surveillance

With Bakhita on her lap, Tereza encourages Ajonga to breastfeed her granddaughter, baby Akot.

In South Sudan, grandmothers breastfeed malnourished grandchildren

Algeria and Argentina certified malaria-free by WHO

Algeria and Argentina certified malaria-free by WHO