Malaria vaccine pilot launched in Malawi

Malaria vaccine pilot launched in Malawi

Polio vaccination in Mozambique

Polio vaccination resumes in cyclone Idai affected areas

All Cabo Verdeans are entitled to a basic package of health services

Cabo Verde shows us the health care progress we want to see across Africa

In Madagascar, mothers show grit to protect their children as government, partners battle measles epidemic

Vacinação contra Pólio

Father vaccinates community after daughter paralyzed by polio in Mozambique

Experts caution against stagnation of immunization coverage in Africa

Experts caution against stagnation of immunization coverage in Africa

Photo: WHO/Acland O

Saving lives through streamlined emergency care

Dr Abu Bakarr Fofanah, Minister of Health and Sanitation launching the new national five-year strategy and policy for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) in Freetown

New strategy launched to help tackle maternal, child deaths in Sierra Leone

A child being vaccinated against polio in Freetown on day one of the four days campaign

Nationwide house-house polio supplementary immunization campaign starts in Sierra Leone