Uganda’s Ministry of Health, WHO and KOICA to Refurbish 28 Health Facilities in Busoga Sub-Region

Uganda’s Ministry of Health, WHO and KOICA to Refurbish 28 Health Facilities in Busoga Sub-Region

Strengthening the health workforce

Kenya: Strengthening the health workforce

Tracking Health Expenditure in Liberia – Liberia validates its National Health Accounts (NHA) 2019/2020

WHO Rep to Zimbabwe Dr Tiruneh with Dr Midzi and Ms Marowa

Twenty years of Saving Lives - Zimbabwe Celebrates World Blood Donor Day with a Call to Action

His Excellency President of the Republic of South Africa signing the NHI Bill into law

WHO South Africa Welcomes Signing of National Health Insurance Bill into Law

WHO and IrishAID hand over an ambulance to Ministry of Health

WHO and the Embassy of Ireland donate an Ambulance to improve health care services in Karamoja Sub region, Uganda

HE Hisao Nishimaki, Ambassador of Japan in Namibia, and Hon Dr Kalumbi Shangula, Minister of Health and Social Services

Improving universal health coverage through outreach health services in Kunene and Omaheke regions

World Health Day Commemoration 2024

Uganda engages communities in physical and mental health activities as part of the World Health Day Commemoration

Team from World Health Organization and Makerere School of Public Health Discussing Health research development in Uganda

WHO and Makerere School of Public Health plan to advance the health research agenda in Uganda