Scaling up the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in Ghana

Scaling up the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in Ghana

Cameroon making progress the fight against HIV

Cameroon making progress in the fight against HIV

Strengthening the fight against HIV in Ghana

Strengthening the fight against HIV in Ghana

SADC Health Ministers' meeting in Angola: Focus on Health for All

SADC Health Ministers' meeting in Angola: Focus on Health for All

media science café jointly organized by Health Communicators Forum and the World Health Organization (WHO) recently in Harare, WHO Healthier Populations Cluster Lead Dr Trevor Kanyowa

HIV interventions should address the needs of older persons: WHO

Stakeholders commit to scaling up the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis

Stakeholders commit to scaling up the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis

Integration of HIV and SRH services yield massive results in Zimbabwe

Dr Velephi Okello, Director of Health services Ministry of Health, is one of Eswatini policy makers who has pushed for better policies in the HIV/AIDS sphere. (Pictured during 2023 WHO@75 celebrations)

Eswatini achieves the 95-95-95 HIV treatment target - a decade ahead of 2030 goal

Nomphumelelo Masilela Cynthia has been using PrEP since 2019.

Eswatini increases HIV preventative options to reduce new infections

WHO Collaborating Centre of Excellence

Botswana National HIV Reference Laboratory designated WHO Collaborating Centre of Excellence