L’OMS appuie le Niger pour maîtriser l'épidémie de diphtérie

Niger in the race to end diphtheria outbreak

Immunizations conference ends with consensus to advance immunization goals in Africa

Immunizations conference ends with consensus to advance immunization goals in Africa

Sustaining COVID-19 vaccine and routine immunization uptake in Ghana

Sustaining COVID-19 vaccine and routine immunization uptake in Ghana

WHO South Africa Staff facilitating group working during the micro plan development session. This session involved prioritization of subdistricts based on access and utilization data

WHO supports efforts to Combat Zero Dose Children in the Eastern Cape Province

Vaccinated children showing off their marked figures

Phase 2 polio campaign- a timely intervention

Ghana pushes to catch up on missed childhood vaccinations

Catching up on missed childhood vaccinations

Vaccination campaign protects tens of thousands of schoolgirls from HPV

Launching HPV vaccination

Integrating COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization in Liberia

Integrating COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization

Integrating COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization in Liberia

Liberia takes bold step to integrate COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization

Hompa Alfons Kaundu of the Mbunza Traditional Authority (left) was the first person to get vaccinated in Sigone village in Kavango West. He is pictured here with Johannes Kambembe, the Primary Health Care Coordinator for Ncamagoro District in Kavango West also played a crucial role in getting communities vaccinated against Covid-19

Covid-19: How traditional leaders drove up vaccination rates in Namibia’s northern region