Health minister Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng launches yellow fever immunisation

Uganda Launches National Yellow Fever Vaccination Campaign  

A Health worker hands over a child immunization card to a mother

Routine Yellow Fever Vaccination for Children taking shape in Uganda

Vaccination site at Kuje General Hospital, Abuja

Raising a healthier generation with lifesaving vaccines  

WHO staff in Osun State setting up for vaccination campaign to mark 2023 Africa Vaccination Week

Osun State optimizes Africa Vaccination Week, improves coverage  of COVID-19 Vaccine

A polio survivor, Ibrahim Mohammed in the field mobilizing support for polio vaccination

In Zamfara, a polio survivor leverages experience to mobilize support for vaccination against the virus

Ayalaga Ward

African Vaccination Week: A global campaign “The Big Catchup” impacting remote communities

Beyond the numbers: the real-world impact of the malaria vaccine in Kenya

Beyond the numbers: the real-world impact of the malaria vaccine in Kenya

A child receiving routine vaccination during the event

Tanzania flags off Africa Vaccination Week integrated with COVID-19 vaccination

Malaria vaccine plays critical role in turning the tide on malaria in Ghana

Malaria vaccine plays critical role in turning the tide on malaria in Ghana

Mothers and their children at the Antenatal clinic Homa Bay County for malaria and other vaccines

Kenya celebrates immunization as more children are reached with RTS,S