Professor Adewole speaking during 2017 WMD

Minister of Health Canvasses All-Inclusive Involvement In The Fight Against Malaria


Parliament of Uganda pledges support towards tackling Malaria in Uganda


Uganda launches the second campaign for universal coverage of long lasting insecticidal nets

World Malaria Report 2016

Malaria control vastly improves in Sierra Leone, but collective action needed to ‘tap’ the disease

WHO/Saffea Gborie

Tackling malaria in Sierra Leone

WHO/M. Hallahan

Malaria is no longer leading cause of death among children in sub-Saharan Africa

A performance by pupils during WMD

The Commemoration of World Malaria Day 2016 in Zambia


Uganda commemorates 10th World Malaria Day 2016

Child in front of insecticide treated bed net EPA/K. Ludbroo

WHO/UNICEF report: Malaria MDG target achieved amid sharp drop in cases and mortality, but 3 billion people remain at risk