African health ministers agree to an all-fronts push to control the rise in vector-borne diseases

African health ministers agree to an all-fronts push to control the rise in vector-borne diseases

A “One WHO approach” for Malaria elimination in the African Region

A “One WHO approach” for Malaria elimination in the African Region

Ministers of Health agree next steps for Sahel Malaria Elimination Initiative

Ministers of Health agree next steps for Sahel Malaria Elimination Initiative

Dr Moeti with Ms. Carole Lanteri, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Principality to the United Nations Office in Geneva

WHO and the Principality of Monaco forge new ties to end malaria in Africa’s Sahel region

Algeria and Argentina certified malaria-free by WHO

Algeria and Argentina certified malaria-free by WHO

Algeria certified malaria-free

Algeria and Argentina certified malaria-free by WHO

Susana and Abigail are first to be vaccinated with the malaria vaccine in Ghana pilot. Credit: WHO/Fanjan Combrink

Malaria vaccine pilot launched in Ghana

Cross-section of participants at the World Malaria Day program in Grand Cape Mount County

Liberia Commemorates World Malaria Day

Dr Eva de Carvalho

Dr Eva de Carvalho, Malaria Programme, WHO

Malaria vaccine pilot launched in Malawi

Malaria vaccine pilot launched in Malawi