Safiatu using her sewing skills and the machine provided to her by the Mental Health Coalition of Sierra Leone to generate income

Expanding treatment of mental illness in rural Sierra Leone

Redefining mental healthcare in Ghana

Redefining mental healthcare in Ghana

Ms Adetona after seeing a stress counsellor

Suicide is not an option  

Barriers to mental health care in Africa

Barriers to mental health care in Africa

In Nigeria, health workers learn how to help women facing gender-based violence

In Nigeria, health workers learn how to help women facing gender-based violence

Dr Chieshi

Living with schizophrenia -An individual’s story 

Improving access to mental health services in Ghana

Improving access to mental health services in Ghana

Helping to break mental health care barriers in Kenya

Helping to break mental health care barriers in Kenya

Dr Brian Chirombo – World Health Organization Representative to Rwanda

Are you okay? - A message from the World Health Organization Rwanda on Mental Health Day

A mental health care worker with a patient.

In Nigeria, health workers learn how to help women facing gender-based violence