Umar Musami, Psychiatrist, Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital looking at medication for mental disorders in Bakass Camp in early March 2018

Healing the mental scars of violence in northeastern Nigeria

Procession in the principal streets of Takoradi

Ghana celebrates World Mental Health Day

Over 300 textile workers listening to presentations during the World Mental Health Day commemoration at the factory.

Mental health in the workplace: Commemoration of the World Mental Health Day in Swaziland

Mr Momodou Gassama (WHO) presenting on stress management in            workplaces for officials of Standard Chartered Bank  Gambia Ltd.

Gambia observes World Mental Health day: WHO and partners engage stakeholders to create healthy work places

Closing ceremony by Minister of Public Services and Labour, Hon. Rwanyindo Kayirangwa Fanfan(middle)

Rwanda celebrated the World Mental Health Day 2017

Volunteer burial teams have played a vital role in the disaster response

Supporting the mental health needs of frontline responders

Mr Amakali shares  his journey of living with a mental illness at the World Mental Health Day public lecture

Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental Health Nurses engaging a community member affected by the mudslides disaster

Mental health is a critical component in disaster response and recovery

Sexual and intimate partner violence affects millions in Africa