African health ministers endorse new strategy to curb chronic disease crisis

African health ministers endorse new strategy to curb chronic disease crisis

No tobacco

Sierra Leone becomes 38th country with tobacco control laws in WHO African Region

Enhanced local health services saving lives

Enhanced local health services saving lives

WHD 2022

World Hepatitis Day: The Last Mile Towards Hepatitis Elimination

Dignitaries at the launch event for the National Multi-Sectoral Strategy and Costed Action Plan

Gambia Unveils Pioneering Strategy to Confront Escalating Non-Communicable Diseases Crisis

At the World Health Day commemoration, the Assistant Minister of Health Sethome Lelatisitswe expressed his concerns that the current global environmental crisis accelerates the already high rate of NCDs in Botswana

Climate change has direct consequences for the key determinants of health

WHO Liberia Country Office Walks The Talk- 4.2km walking challenge conquered

Nurse Peace (right) counsels a patient before she gets screened for cervical cancer at the RAiSE Foundation office in Niger State on 24 February 2021.

Deaths from noncommunicable diseases on the rise in Africa