Group photo of Technical Working Group and WHO Experts who facilitated the introduction of PEN in Seychelles

Seychelles adopts the World Health Organisation’s Package of Essential Non-communicable diseases interventions

Trachoma causes blindness in poor rural communities.

Establishing the spreading of trachoma in rural Namibia

Honorable Minister of Health Jappie Mhango MP holding the UN Interagency Task Force award for NCD prevention and control

Malawi receives the UN Interagency Task Force award for instituting strategic steps towards the prevention and control NCD

Group photo

Regional consultation on primary care strategies for non-communicable diseases

Namibia runs for health

Namibians run for Health

Dr. Moses K. Jeuronlon, DPC Cluster Lead, reading the  WHO Regional Director for Africa WDD message during the indoor program in Monrovia

Liberia Commemorates World Diabetes Day

Honorable Minister of Health Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP speaking to participants at the opening ceremony of the TOT cervical cancer capacity building workshop

Stopping Cervical Cancer and other NonCommunicable Diseases in Africa

Professeur Dhanjay Jhurry, Vice-chancelier de l’Université de Maurice (à gauche) et Dr. Laurent Musango, représentant de l’OMS à Maurice (à droite) assis à la table d’hôte, lors d’une séance questions réponses avec les participants

Conférence-débat sur les maladies non-transmissibles à l’Université de Maurice

Sugary drinks

WHO commends South African parliament decision to pass tax bill on sugary drinks