Screened for malnutrition by a mobile health team

WHO delivers critical support to Bugna Woreda and surroundings amid humanitarian needs

Meeting on health diets

WHO strengthens countries capacities to combat diet related Noncommunicable Diseases in Africa

Anamary Tjituri, a community health worker in Otjerunda, Opuwo Health District

Namibia Strengthens Child Malnutrition Measures


Press Release: Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All

A mother interacts at the nutrition clinic

Uganda’s Efforts to Save the Life of Children with Malnutrition

Mehonie the nurse updating the board with the newly admitted child's condition at the Stabilization Center (SC) to facilitate ongoing monitoring of the child's progress.

Integrating Nutrition Surveillance into Routine Health Services in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia

A mother with a child that is going through nutrition therapy in Koboko district

Using Data to Tackle Acute Malnutrition in Uganda

Saving lives and building resilience: what we learn from nutrition in emergencies response in Ethiopia during 2023

Saving lives and building resilience: what we learn from nutrition in emergencies response in Ethiopia during 2023

Dr Mary Brantuo, WHO Namibia Officer-in-Charge. Hon Dr. Kalumbi Shangula, Minister of Health and Social Services and H.E.  Hisao Nishimaki, the Ambassador of the Government of Japan to Namibia

Japan’s contribution to enhance Namibia’s food security and nutrition with new funding