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Mop-up priority zones also include areas with high population mobility. Should children miss a vaccination round because they are on the farm during the day, mop-up teams will go back in the evening, or for very remote areas, set up camp overnight to see the children early in the morning.  Back at Palabana Clinic, Veria removes an OPV from the freezer for the two missed children identified earlier in the day. Vaccinator Brian and his team have rushed in. Shamaya. briefs them on the location of the household

Ramping up polio outbreak response in southern Africa

Smoking is not funny: South African comedian on tobacco harm

Smoking is not funny: South African comedian on tobacco harm

COVID-19 deaths in African region to fall by nearly 94% in 2022: WHO analysis

COVID-19 deaths in African region to fall by nearly 94% in 2022: WHO analysis

Fresher air, cleaner lungs: Ethiopia expands smoke-free zones

Fresher air, cleaner lungs: Ethiopia expands smoke-free zones

Ernest Ajayi, a 45 years-old civil servant.jpg

 I quit smoking to live a healthier life

WHO, partners seek to reboot Africa’s health emergency response

WHO, partners seek to reboot Africa’s health emergency response