Featured news

Ministry of Health and WHO officials at the event of the donation

WHO strengthens oxygen supply capacity of health facilities to care for critically ill patients in Sierra Leone

Togo eliminates trachoma as a public health problem

Togo eliminates trachoma as a public health problem

Launching of the vaccination campaign for children aged 5-11 years old in May 2022 in Mauritius

Mauritius reaches another milestone in its fight against Covid-19 by inoculating 5 to 11 years old children

Community Health Champion provide health risk messaging in hotspot locations. Photo-credit_ Kingsley_WHO

Community health champions target over 20,000 households at risk with disease prevention messages in Yobe State

Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, WHO Representative and the Hon. Governor Bonifatius Wakudumo of the Kavango East Region in Mayana village in the Kavango East Region

Zero Malaria starts with me

African health ministers seek ways to bolster polio outbreak response

African health ministers seek ways to bolster polio outbreak response