Featured news

Strategizing to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality in the African Region

Strategizing to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality in the African Region

Speedy vaccination campaign helps stop cholera outbreak in Niger

Speedy vaccination campaign helps stop cholera outbreak in Niger

Launching of the Eritrea Health Sector Strategic Development Plan 2022-26 (HSSDP III), Essential Health Care Package, National Action Plan for Health Security 2022-26 (NAPHS)

Vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks on the rise in Africa

Vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks on the rise in Africa

Minister of Health (4th right) WR (2nd right) and other dignitaries at the high table to commemrate 2022 WMD in Abuja

Stakeholders endorse collective innovative approach for eradication of  malaria in Nigeria

Democratic Republic of the Congo kicks off Ebola vaccination

Democratic Republic of the Congo kicks off Ebola vaccination