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COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 13 July 2020

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 12 July 2020

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 11 July 2020

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 10 July 2020

The Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs receiving new WR

Minister of Foreign Affairs receives new Country Representative, says, ‘Nigeria is behind WHO’

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 09 July 2020

Health officers preparing the Measles vaccine before immunization in Aweil

Amidst coronavirus pandemic, WHO and partners vaccinated 94 019 children aged 6 to 59 months against measles in Aweil East County of South Sudan

01_Students at demonstration of basic emergency obstetric care at the college of Nursing and Midwifery with facilities/equipment provided by WHO.

EU and WHO support accreditation of Maiduguri College of Nursing and Midwifery