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COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 09 July 2020

Africa records over 500 000 COVID-19 cases

Africa records over 500 000 COVID-19 cases

Tracy Chigumba conducting a data entry training at Beatrice Isolation Centre

Seke District Rapid Response Team (DRRT) supports Beatrice Isolation Centre COVID-19 case management, investigation and contact tracing

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 08 July 2020

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Bakyaita (far right) handing over the donation to The Permanent Secretary at MOH, Dr. Kennedy Malama (centre)

WHO donates equipment and transport facilities to MOH in its continued effort to help the country curb the spread of COVID-19

Participants demonstrating sample collection from each other

WHO supports Anambra State to boost COVID-19 testing capacity, trains cohort of health workers

Dr Charles Korir,walking out of Isolation centre

COVID-19-Tackling mental health during isolation is essential to full recovery

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 07 July 2020