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A local official receives a dose of oral cholera vaccine in Tshilenge, July 2019

More than a million people to be vaccinated in phase 2 of a huge cholera vaccination campaign in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Dr Owen Kaluwa presenting a citation to a blood donor group

Ghana commemorates World Blood Donor Day; Safe blood for all.

WHO intervention during the UN - development partners meeting

Universal Health Coverage identified as Strategic Programmatic Area of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework in Cabo Verde

Ethiopia sets new standards for the management of acute malnutrition

Ethiopia sets new standards for the management of acute malnutrition

Alliance M. Honoré is in charge of the Ebola Alert call centre in Goma

Behind the scenes in the Ebola response : The call centre manager

United Nations Staff

Students remain the main source of safe blood in Eswatini

Dr Moeti (WHO Branded Jacket) observes immunization at Bwera Hopsital, Kasese district

WHO Regional Director commends Uganda’s Ebola preparedness response