Featured news

Dr Moeti (WHO Branded Jacket) observes immunization at Bwera Hopsital, Kasese district

WHO Regional Director commends Uganda’s Ebola preparedness response

Dr Samson Paul Baba making an opening remarks during the ToT

WHO and Ministry of Health train more healthcare workers on management of Severe Acute Malnutrition

Dr Moeti at a border crossing in Uganda

WHO Regional Director commends Uganda’s Ebola preparedness response

Participants who attended the official opening of the meeting

The Kingdom of Eswatini hosts the Polio 22nd Inter-Country Certification Committee meeting


Noma-Nigerian government and partners mobilize to fight the disfiguring disease

Temperature screening at Mpondwe border point

Uganda’s groundwork in preparedness bodes well for stopping Ebola’s spread within its borders

Dr. Ramses Kalumbi discusses with the family of a suspected case

Winning the hearts of communities fearful of Ebola