Featured news

 Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius, Hon. Mr Stephan Toussaint, Minister of Youth and Sports and Lord Mayor of Port Louis, Mr Daniel Laurent ready to start the cycling trip in view of promoting health and road safety as well as environment protection

Promoting Cycling for Health, Environment Protection and Road Safety

From left - Dr A Madigele (Minister of Health and Wellness), Dr M Ovberedjo (WHO Representative) and Ms R Maphorisa (Permanent Secreatry in the Ministry of Health and Well)

Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) Delegation to the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) Receives Pre-departure briefing from WHO

Ebel Diogo, Director of a local NGO, Empowering Mozambique

Reconstructing and finding the inner strength of Beira – The profound role of technology following Cyclone Idai

US Amb in a group photo with Hon Minister of Health, WHO Rep, CDC Country Director and other senior officials

The US Ambassador to South Sudan and Hon Minister of Health visit Ebola Vaccination site in Juba

Malaria testing services were offered during the commemoration

WHO supports World Malaria Day commemoration in Zambia.

The rush to deliver cholera vaccines to remote communities in Zimbabwe

The rush to deliver cholera vaccines to remote communities in Zimbabwe

MoHW personnel getting a feel of the interactive equipment at the MoHW Headquarters

New interactive technology for real time surveillance quality improvement adopted by Botswana

Dr. Stéphane Hugonnet, Epidemiologist, WHO