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Scaling up investments in health and environment initiatives in Africa

Scaling up investments in health and environment initiatives in Africa

WHO Africa Innovation Challenge Calls for New Solutions to Improve Health in Africa: Promoting African Solutions for African people

WHO Africa Innovation Challenge Calls for New Solutions to Improve Health in Africa: Promoting African Solutions for African people

Fast-tracking action on health and the environment

Fast-tracking action on health and the environment

Climate change increases risk of outbreaks in Africa

Climate change increases risk of outbreaks in Africa

A member of the vaccinating team vaccinates a health worker in Rwebisengo

Uganda Vaccinates Front-line health-workers against Ebola   

WHO Consultant explaining a point to the PS & ES

WHO supports cholera vaccination in critical States of the Northwest region

 Stockpile of assorted Medical Books handed over to the MOH by WHO

Handing Over of Medical Books to the Ministry of Health by WHO

Renforcer les capacités de l’Agence Nationale des Médicaments et des Evacuations Sanitaires : pour des médicaments plus sûrs en Union des Comores

Renforcer les capacités de l’Agence Nationale des Médicaments et des Evacuations Sanitaires : pour des médicaments plus sûrs en Union des Comores