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WHO: Urgent action needed to combat poisoning from artisanal gold mining in Africa

WHO: Urgent action needed to combat poisoning from artisanal gold mining in Africa

Dr Akpaka Kalu, WHO Representative to South Africa presents the Summary outcomes of the Presidential health Summit in presence of the Deputy President Mr David Mabuza and Health Minister- Dr Aaron Matsoaledi

South Africa holds a Presidential Health Summit to guide policy reforms towards Universal Health Coverage

National Polio day edition 2018 celebrated in the Huye district

Kenya leads Africa’s efforts in phasing out lead in paint

Kenya leads Africa’s efforts in phasing out lead in paint

Health and Environment: Shaping a Better Future Together in Africa

Health and Environment: Shaping a Better Future Together in Africa

Minister of Health, Dr Jane Ruth Aceng addresses the delegates during the Joint Review Mission

Uganda's health sector grows despite challenges 

WHO Representative in Uganda, Dr Woldemariam addresses the press at the Uganda Media Center

Uganda Finalizes Plans to Vaccinate Front-line Health Workers against Ebola 

The Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya (centre) with participants at the Fairmount Hotel in Livingstone

Zambia heightens its capacity for preventing and responding to the threat of an outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease