Featured news

Dr Kaluwa responding to questions from a section of the media

Government urged to prioritise investment in Mental Health

Sedated patient at Karu General Hospital –Behavioural Medicine Unit

Mental health slowly devouring the heart of society

Dr Olu presenting his letter of credentials to Honorable Deng Dau Deng Malek. Photo: WHO

WHO Representative, Dr Olu, Olushayo Oluseun, presents his letter of credentials to the Hon Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Corporation, South Sudan

Zimbabwe to vaccinate 1.4 million people against cholera in Harare

Zimbabwe to vaccinate 1.4 million people against cholera in Harare

WHO, UNCDA, NEMA & other partners supporting the Emergency Coordination Centre for Flood victims in Niger State Government

WHO works with government agencies to respond to floods across Nigeria

Dr Hon.  A. Husnoo, Minister of Health and Quality of Life  stating that ‘NCDs are major health concern of my ministry and by reducing NCD morbidity and mortality, we can reduce unnecessary suffering of the Mauritian population.’

Validation of the findings of the ‘National Assessment of the Health Systems for better Non-Communicable Disease outcomes’