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The Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya (4th from left) in the company of the two ministers and the WHO Representative at the media briefing

Zambia Charts the Way forward for Cholera Elimination

WHO supports Ebola vaccination of high risk populations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO supports Ebola vaccination of high risk populations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Group Photograph of Participants at the Workshop

Nigeria to use WHO HRH Planning and Projection Tool to forecast health workforce supply requirements


Statement on the 1st meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee regarding the Ebola outbreak in 2018

Measuring children is integral part of the clinical session of the WHO course

WHO supports stabilization centres to treat malnourished children in South Sudan

Photo: WHO/S. Oka

WHO concerned as one Ebola case confirmed in urban area of Democratic Republic of the Congo

WCO Ethiopia attending training on Theory of Change

WHO Country Office (WCO) Ethiopia trains staff on Theory of Change

A health worker gives medication to a patient.  Kenya has embarked on a extensive evidence-based approach to root out TB

Kenya embarks on new approach to prioritize future TB actions