Featured news

Dr Joseph Wamala making a presentation

South Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya strengthen implementation of cross-border disease surveillance and outbreak response in East Africa

Everyone can play a part in promoting vaccines

Celebrating African Vaccination Week in Sierra Leone: “Vaccines work, do your part!”

Dr Fatma Ministre de la santé assise avec l'OIC de l'OMS en photo de groupe avec les participants

S.E.M Dr RASHID MOHAMED MBARAK Fatma, Ministre de la Santé, est allée soutenir les travaux de l’atelier multisectoriel sur le Diagnostic du Système National de Financement de la Santé

L-R; Dr Lynda Ozor (WHO Malaria Containment Project) Dr Audu Bala Mohammed (National Coordinator National Malaria Elimination Programme), Prof Isaac Adewole (Honourable Minister of Health), Dr Obi (Representative of chairman of the World Malaria Day), Dr Mboko (Dir, SFH) Mr T.S Ayari (Representative of Reckitt-Benckiser) Dr Fiona Braka (Cluster Chief WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization) at the World Malaria Day press briefing in Abuja

World Malaria Day 2018; Ready to Beat Malaria

Community members marching through the streets of Mbabane

Health Access for All: The Kingdom of Swaziland commemorates World Health Day

Dr Andebrhan Tesfatsion - acting DG of Public Health making remarks

Eritrea Commemorated World Health Day 2018

Dr Moeti interacting with UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana, Ms Christine Klock

Dr Moeti meets UN Country Team and Bilateral Partners in Ghana